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Error codes

If the operations described above fail for some reason, the Remote PUMA SPI REST Service returns a subset of the HTTP error codes. They include a message with a detailed description of the error.

The following list gives the error codes that the Remote PUMA SPI REST Service can return, and typical situations in which each specific error code is returned.

400 - Bad Request

The input provided in the request body does not comply to the expected format.

For example, this can be invalid XML in a posted profile.

401 - Unauthorized

Access control check during request processing failed.

403 - Forbidden

The operation that the client tries to perform is not possible.

For example, this can be creating a user ID that already exists, setting attribute values for attributes that are not defined, or using mutually exclusive request parameters.

404 - Not Found

The URI does not match any of the defined URI paths or a variable part of a defined URI path does not denote a resource that exists.

405 - Method Not Allowed

The request addresses a defined URI, but uses an HTTP method that is not defined for this URI.

415 - Unsupported Media Type

The format specified in the mime-type URI parameter or accept headers is not supported.

Parent topic:

Structure of the Remote PUMA SPI REST Service

Related reference

Interface operations
Payload description
PUMA REST Service XML schema document
Data Types for Attributes