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Dojo and WebSphere Portal

WebSphere Portal v6.1.5 contains two versions of the IBM Dojo Toolkit, a JavaScript library based on the Dojo toolkit...

Both Dojo packages can be used by IBM and non-IBM components.

The Portal and PortalWeb2 themes use version 1.3.2 by default in WebSphere Portal v6.1.5.

Page Builder and widgets are currently supported on Dojo 1.3.2 only.

You can downgrade portal v6.1.5 themes to Dojo v1.1.1

Where WebSphere Portal uses Dojo

The themes provided with the portal use Dojo v1.3.2 by default. Themes that use Dojo v1.3.2 extensively include...

The Portal theme uses Dojo in...

Portlets currently using Dojo include...

The portal components that use Dojo are only supported for use with the bundled Dojo.

Use Dojo v1.3.2 in custom portal themes

To use Dojo v1.3.2 in custom portal themes see Creating a new theme.

Upgrade custom portal themes to Dojo v1.3.2:

To upgrade existing custom themes from Dojo v1.1.1 to v1.3.2...

  1. Replace all full Web path occurrences of...


    ...with the Web path...


  2. Replace all Web application relative Web paths of...


    ...with the Web path...


  3. If you include Dojo by an external script tag that points directly to the dojo.js, it determines its own base URL, which it uses for all dojo.require calls.

    However, if you include Dojo through another mechanism, for example inlining it in a dynamic jsp through a jsp include or import call, it will not be able to detect its base URL. In such cases, define the djConfig object and specify the djConfig.baseUrl property to the correct path where the dojo.js file is located...


    The last slash is important.

Dojo usage best practices

Dojo usage restrictions

Observe the following restrictions when using Dojo with the portal:

Parent topic:

Designing a portal site

Related tasks

Creating a new theme
WebSphere Portal Family wiki:   http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/portalwiki.nsf
Using and migrating Dojo versions with WebSphere Portal themes