Customize the Web 2.0 theme
You can customize the Web 2.0 portal by modifying the styles or the generated markup, or by adding new elements or Web 2.0 skins.
For details about creating CSA skins refer to the WebSphere Portal family wiki.
Modifying the generated markup
The PortalWeb2 theme generates markup in two different ways:
- The default page structure. This is generated by the theme JSPs, and can be modified just like a traditional Portal theme, with the qualification that the theme must contain the empty placeholder division tags ( <div> ) that the CSA aggregator uses to populate the theme navigation and page content.
- The markup rendered for the theme navigation elements and page layout:
The CSA aggregator uses XSLT to render the navigation elements and page layout. In many cases you can achieve a desired customization by using only CSS style sheets, but for the cases where changes to the markup itself are truly required, below is the list of XSLT files that render each theme element:
Theme element XSLT file main menu xsl/mainMenu.xsl top navigation tabs xsl/topNavRender.xsl side navigation tree xsl/sideNavRender.xsl page layout (rows and columns) xsl/mainContentRenderLayout.xsl IBM skin xsl/IBM.xsl noSkin skin xsl/NoSkin.xsl
Add new elements to the theme
To add a new navigation element to the theme...
- Add an empty division with a unique ID to the theme JSPs by using the <div> tag.
- Write a Javascript controller object that extends the base object
- Register your new navigation Element with the CSA aggregator.
To do this...
- Edit the file head_extras.jspf in the theme.
- In the definition of the bootstrap() function, find the lines shown below and add a new, similar line for your navigation element:
portalAggregator.navigation.addNavigationElement( new ); portalAggregator.navigation.addNavigationElement( new ); portalAggregator.navigation.addNavigationElement( new );
Add Web 2.0 skins
In conventional portal skins, a Control.jsp implements the code to render the decoration around a portlet. With the portal Web 2.0 theme, the portal renders the pages on the client. Therefore, rather than invoke a JSP to render the skin, it executes an XSLT transformation. To achieve this, the portlet registers the following at bootstrap time in head_extras.jspf: The skin name and xslt file path in a mapping for use by the CSA aggregator, along with its object ID, that is its internal identifier that it retrieves from the portal model.
At run time the page layout model stores the object ID of the assigned skin. The CSA aggregator retrieves the XSLT path of the skin, loads it, and applies it to render the skin.
If the XSLT path is empty or null, the default skin XSLT would be used.
To add a new skin...
- Implement an XSLT to render the desired markup.
- Store the XSLT file in the /xslt directory of the theme, with the same name as the skin.
For example, for the IBM skin this is xslt/IBM.xsl.
- Register the new skin with the CSA aggregator as follows:
- Edit the file head_extras.jspf in the theme.
- In the definition of the bootstrap() function, find the lines shown below and add a new, similar line for your skin:"IBM",skinResourceRoot2Id["IBM"],""),true);"NoSkin",skinResourceRoot2Id["NoSkin"],""),false);
Parent topic:
Web 2.0 theme
Related concepts
Use the portal Web 2.0 theme
Related reference
Differential page rendering
Related information
WebSphere Portal family wiki -