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Create users

View the steps to set up users for Oracle RAC to work with WebSphere Portal. Before you begin:


Installing Oracle RAC

Ensure that you create users and grant the appropriate privileges in Oracle before configuring WebSphere Portal to work with Oracle.

Take care to create users in an environment that has the same settings as the actual runtime environment.

For example, avoid creating a user in an English environment if you plan to use that user in a Turkish environment.

  1. Create the users in the WebSphere Portal databases

    1. Log in to the database in which you want to create the new users.

    2. Create the users that you need in the appropriate databases by entering the following command in the SQL*Plus tool, where user_tablespace is the default tablespace that is identified by the database administrator to store user objects and temp_tablespace is identified to store temporary objects: Tip: Balance the storage of user objects among tablespaces to prevent running out of space with overuse of user_tablespace. Also consider increasing the size of user_tablespace when handling a high volume of users.

      SQL> create user username identified by password default tablespace user_tablespace temporary tablespace temp_tablespace;

  2. Log in by entering the command $ sqlplus in SQL*Plus:

  3. Enter the command user-name: username/password@dbname, where username is an existing administrative user in the database.

    For example: system/manager@wpsdb will log the administrative user system with a password of manager into the wpsdb database.

  4. Create the WebSphere Portal user dbdomain.DbUser, where dbdomain is replaced by release, community, customization, or JCR. All names must be in lower case.

    The following code uses the default user tablespace and the default temporary tablespace. Explicitly specify these tablespaces if you do not want to use the defaults.

    SQL> create user releaseusr identified by password; SQL> create user communityusr identified by password; SQL> create user customizationusr identified by password; SQL> create user jcr identified by password;

  5. Connect to the content database by entering the command SQL> connect.

  6. Enter the following, where username is an existing administrative user in the database. user-name: username/password@dbname For example, system/manager@jcrdb will log the administrative user system with a password of manager into the Oracle RAC database.

  7. Create the Oracle RAC users by entering the following: When creating the jcr user, grant all necessary privileges. If you do not grant privileges, you will receive the error ICMADMIN lacks CREATE SESSION Privilege logon denied when you try to connect with the jcr user:

    SQL> create user jcr identified by password default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

  8. Connect to the Feedback database:

    1. Enter the following command:

      SQL> connect

    2. Enter user-name: username/password@dbname where username is an existing administrative user in the database.

      For example, system/manager@fdbkdb will log the administrative user system with a password of manager into the fdbkdb database.

  9. Create the Feedback user:

    SQL> create user feedback identified by password default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

  10. Connect to the LikeMinds database:

    SQL> connect

  11. Enter user-name: username/password@dbname, where username is an existing administrative user in the database.

    For example, system/manager@lmdb will log the administrative user system with a password of manager into the lmdb database.

  12. Create the LikeMinds user:

    SQL> create user lmdbusr identified by password default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;

  13. Log out of the command line tool using the command SQL> exit.

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Set up a remote Oracle RAC database on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris for a stand-alone production server

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Installing Oracle RAC

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Creating databases