Configuration task properties
WebSphere Portal configuration tasks use properties specified in...
Helper files are provided under...
You can also use parentProperties and SaveParentProperties properties....
parentProperties Location of a parent properties file used when running Supersedes values for the same property in
SaveParentProperties If true, property values in the parent properties file will be copied to upon successful completion of the configuration task. For example, on the WebSphere Portal single server or on all nodes of the portal cluster, run...
cd profile_root/ConfigEngine -DparentProperties=/helper_file_directory/ -DSaveParentProperties=true -DWasPassword=passwordWhen running a ConfigEngine task, either specify the PortalAdminPwd and WasPassword parameters in or on the command line.
ConfigEngine.bat -DparentProperties=/helper_file_directory/ -DSaveParentProperties=true -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_password -WasPassword=was_password
You will receive an exception if you save cluster related properties before running the clustering tasks when you run...
-DparentProperties=/helper_file_directory/ -DSaveParentProperties=true
If the parentProperties file contains the WasSoapPort, WasRemoteHostName, WasUserid, WasPassword parameters for the Deployment Manager, ConfigEngine will attempt to connect to the Deployment Manager to synchronize the registry. This connection will fail and display an exception, which can be ignored, and the properties will be written to
Parent topic:
Configure WebSphere Portal
Related concepts
Configure WebSphere Portal with the configuration wizard
Configure portal behavior
Configure IBM Tivoli License Compliance Manager
Changing the portal URI
Manage the user registry
Configure Web Content Management
Set up a remote spell checker
Enable Document Conversion Services
Connect to existing database domains
Add features to an administration installation
Activate SSL and FIPS
Additional security features