Specifying the mail template for Domino Web Access
On the Lotus Domino messaging/appserver, specify the fully qualified server name in the Lotus Domino Directory Server document, and specify the database design template that is compatible with Domino Web Access.
Perform the following steps:
- Open the Domino Administrator client, open the Domino Directory database (NAMES.NSF), and locate the Server document for the Lotus Domino messaging/appserver.
- On the Basics tab, make sure that the Fully Qualified Domain name (FQDN) (for example, acme.sales.com) for Domino on the Lotus Domino server is specified.
- Register users with the Domino Web Access (iNOTES6.NTF or DWA7.NTF) mail template.
- If the Lotus Domino server is running a release older than 7.0, open the NOTES.INI file in a text editor and add the following setting:
INotes_WA_SametimeServer=host namewhere host name is the fully qualified domain name of the Lotus Sametime server.
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Set up awareness and chat for Domino Web Access
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Verify that Sametime works with Domino Web Access