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Composite Applications REST services

Application developers can use Representational State Transfer (REST) services to obtain and modify composite application resources remotely, that is from clients that are outside the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of the server. These services use feeds that are based on the Atom Syndication Format and on HTTP-based Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) to expose and update resources. With composite applications REST services, use the following HTTP verbs:

The following resources are supported:

Use feeds to submit requests

When you access a REST service to get information or to modify a composite applications resource, the response and in some cases also the request works by means of a feed. A feed contains information about one or more resources in a specific format. Learn how to obtain feeds for composite application resources and about the format of such feeds. The following entry points are currently supported:

Parent topic:

Assembling composite applications

Related information

Atom Publishing Protocol (APP)
Atom Syndication Format