What users can do with mashup pages
Users can perform various tasks on mashup pages. The availability of these tasks to the users depends on the access rights of the users on the page.
Some tasks on pages have different results, depending on whether users perform them on a private page or a shared page.
The tasks and their results, and the required access rights are listed in the following.
For more detailed information refer to the following topics:
- For a general description of portal access rights refer to the topics about Roles and Access rights.
- For more details about private and non-private pages refer to the topic about Access rights.
- For more details about shared pages refer to the topic about Sharing content.
Share a mashup page
A user can share a page with other users. In order to share a page, the user needs to have Editor@SharedPageRoot and Delegator on the virtual resources User and User Groups.
SharedPageRoot is the page with the unique identifier ibm.portal.sharedPages.
Creating a mashup page
The behavior of this operation depends on the page under which a new page should be added:
- If a user wants to add a mashup page P1 as a private page under a non-private page P2, the user must have Privileged User@P2 rights.
- If a user wants to add a mashup page P1 as a non-private page under non-private page P2, the user must have Editor@P2 rights.
- If a user wants to add a mashup page P1 under a private page P3 or a non-private page of which the user is the owner, no additional rights are required.
Move a mashup page
To change the order of pages in the navigation, users can move them. The behavior of this operation depends on the page under which a new page should be added:
- If a user wants to move a private mashup page P1 under a non-private page P2 the user needs Privileged User@P2 rights.
- If a user wants to move a non-private mashup page P1 under a non-private page P2 the user needs Manager@P1 and Editor@P2 rights.
- If a user wants to move a private mashup page P1 under a private page P2 or a non-private page of which the user is the owner, no additional rights are required.
Modifying mashup page properties
Users can perform the following modifications on page properties:
- Modify page settings
- Modify the name of the page
- Modify the theme for the page
- Modify the layout of the page.
The following access control settings are required to modify page properties:
- To modify properties of a non-private mashup page P, the user needs to have Editor@P rights.
- For a private page no additional rights are required.
Change the owner of a mashup page
For changing the owner of a non-private page P, the user needs to be the owner of page P or have Manager@P rights.
Deleting a mashup page
To delete a non-private page P, the user needs Manager@P rights.
Publish a mashup page
This task is only available if the portal is configured to work with a Mashup Center Catalog. No access rights are required. If a user can see a page, the user can publish that page.
Parent topic:
Work with mashup pages
Related concepts
Access rights
Share content
Related tasks
Work with the Mashup Center catalog