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Use the portal as a WSRP Producer

These topics describe all the tasks that you perform when you use the portal to provide WSRP services as a WSRP Producer portal.

  1. Accessing the Producer WSDL

    As a Producer provide the URL for the Producer WSDL document to the Consumer. The basic WSDL document is available under the following URL: http://producer_portal_host:producer_port/WpsContextRoot/wsdl/wsrp_service.wsdl , where WpsContextRoot is the portal context root set at installation time. You can find its value in the file wkplc.properties.

  2. Prepare security for a WSRP Producer portal

    To provide security for the WSRP services that you provide with your Producer portal, you use authentication by either WS-Security token or Secure Socket Layer. If you do this, you also need to configure Portal Access Control.

  3. Information that the Producer exchanges with the Consumer

    As a WSRP Producer you have to provide information to Consumers of your WSRP services so that they can prepare for consuming them as remote portlets. Depending on the configuration, you might also need information from the Consumer.

  4. Providing WSRP services as a Producer

    After you have prepared the portal as a Producer portal, you can provide your portlets as WSRP services. This makes them available to Consumers. They can integrate them into their Consumer portals and use them as remote portlets. You can also withdraw portlets from WSRP service. This cancels the services provided by the portlets. Consumer portals can then no longer use them.

  5. Export customized WSRP portlet instances by using the XML configuration interface

    If Consumers of provided portlets customize the portlets, then the Producer can export the customized portlet instances by using the XML configuration interface.

  6. Customize the WSRP configuration of your Producer portal

    You can customize some aspects of you WSRP Producer portal.

Parent topic:

Use WSRP services