Use the XML configuration interface to create a Producer definition
You can use the XML configuration interface to create a Producer definition online or offline.
The main tag to specify when you use the XML configuration interface to create a Producer is the wsrp-producer tag.
The following table lists possible subtags that you can specify with the wsrp-producer tag:
Table 1. Tags for creating a WSRP Producer definition
Possible subtag for the wsrp-producer tag Description wsdl-url This describes the URL to the Producer's WSDL document. This is the only tag that is required for creating a Producer when using an online connection. The other URLs are extracted from this WSDL file.
port-type Each of the Producer ports (Service Description, Markup, Portlet Management and Registration) can be described by one tag. These tags are required for offline creation. parameter This is used for registration properties. preferences This is used for user attributes. localedata Specify NLS names and titles. access-control Specify access control.
The following table lists possible attributes that you can specify with the wsrp-producer tag:
Table 2. Attributes for creating a WSRP Producer definition
Possible attributes for the wsrp-producer tag Possible values Description registration-required true|false This indicates whether the Producer requires registration. force true|false This forces creation of the Producer. default true|false Set this to true if this is the default Producer.
Use the following subtags to specify the Producer ports.
Table 3. Subtags for creating a WSRP Producer definition
Subtag Description secure-url Specifies the secure URL of the port (https). unsecure-url Specifies the unsecure URL of the port (http). ws-security-profile Specifies the security profile of the port.
Use the following attributes to specify the Producer ports.
Table 4. Attributes for creating a WSRP Producer definition
Attribute Possible values Description type One of the following:
- service-description
- markup
- portlet-management
- registration
Defines the port to which the tag applies. defaultbinding One of the following:
- secure
- unsecure
- onrequest
- undefined
Defines whether to use the secure or unsecure URL. The value onrequest applies to the Markup port only.
The following attributes are just listed for the sake of completeness. Do not change them.
Table 5. Attributes for creating a WSRP Producer definition that are not to be changed
The following attributes are just listed for the sake of completeness. Do not change them. Possible attribute for the wsrp-producer tag Possible values Description state (binary data) The Producer's state. This is specified as Base64 encoded binary data. It is usually only used during export and update by the XML configuration interface. cookiepolicy One of: none per_user per_group undefined The Producer's cookie policy. The policy and possible values are defined in the WSRP specification. wsrpversion V1 | V2 This indicates the WSRP protocol version that is used for communication between consumer and producer.
- XML samples for creating Producer definitions
You can modify use these XML samples and use them to create Producer definitions,
Parent topic:
Use the XML configuration interface to work with Producer definitions
Related concepts
The XML configuration interface