Set limits on searches for users and groups
Search for users or groups is a time consuming task. A search may time out or return more results than the system can handle or the user may expect. To prevent this behavior, you can set limits on searches for users or groups.
You can limit searches for users or groups in two ways:
- Setting a maximum number of search results
- Setting a timeout for searches in the user repository
Set the maximumSearchResults and searchTimeOut parameters in the following file:
Table 1. Location of the wimconfig.xml file
Operating system Directory path Windows:
profile_root\config\cells\cell_name\wim\config\wimconfig.xml UNIX:
profile_root/config/cells/cell_name/wim/config/wimconfig.xml i5/OS:
The maximumSearchResults parameter specifies the maximum number of search results. The searchTimeOut parameter specifies the time out in milliseconds.
If you set maximumSearchResults=200 and searchTimeOut=120000, it returns a maximum number of 200 users or groups and terminates the search if the back end does not respond within two minutes. These settings affect the user or groups shown in portlets (for example the User Manager portlet) and XML export scripts.
If not all search results are returned, you may be using an LDAP server as the user repository, which causes a SizeLimitException to be thrown instead of returning the items. The search result may exceed the maximum defined in wimconfig.xml; therefore, perform one of the following actions:
- Refine your search conditions to return fewer results
- Change the maximum setting
If your user repository contains more users or groups than the value configured in maximumSearchResults, a complete export of users and groups with xmlaccess is not possible.
Parent topic:
Users and groups