Search service configuration parameters
Learn about the portal search service parameters and possible values.
To configure a portal search service, use the following parameters. For details about how to set the values for these parameters refer to Manage search services or the Manage Search portlet help.Notes for configuring a search service:
- The values that you set for parameters of a portal search service apply to that search service and all its collections. They do not affect other search services of the portal or their search collections.
- Some configuration parameters are available for both the search services and for the Search and Browse portlet. If you configure a copy of the Search and Browse portlet for search on collections under a particular search service, then set the same value for these shared parameters. For details about this refer to Configure the Search and Browse portlet for end users and Configuration parameters for the Search and Browse portlet.
- If you modify a search service parameter that affects search collections, this modification will apply only to newly created search collections created in the search service. Existing search collections will not be affected by the updated parameter value.
- Portal Search provides only one default Content Model search service.
You cannot modify this Content Model search service, or create additional Content Model search services, or create additional search collections for the default Content Model search service.
- The search administration portlet Manage Search lists the Default Portal Search Service and its collection Portal Content or other collections in the default portal language and not in the language that the user has selected as preferred language for the portal or set in the browser.
For example, if the portal default language is set to English and the user has selected German as the preferred portal language or has set the browser language to German, the Default Portal Search Service and its collections show in English.
Notes related to the search service configuration parameter list:
- The parameter list in both the search services panel of the Manage Search portlet and in the following table show several parameters that end with the suffix _EXAMPLE. These are not used by the portal. They serve as an example for the same parameter without the suffix _EXAMPLE. They give an example value that you might use. Deleting these parameters or modifying their value has no effect.
- To set a parameter that is listed here, but not in the portlet, just add it. To do this, type the parameter and the value in the entry fields New parameter: and New value: and click the Add button.
- In the following list the abbreviation pse in parameters or values stands for Portal Search Engine.
- The following list is arranged in alphabetical order. Parameters might be listed in a different order in the portlet.
- Time of day at which the portal performs the maintenance process for search collections to remove outdated files and broken links. Possible values are positive integers from 0 to 24 for the full hours of the day. Default is 0 , which runs the cleanup at midnight.
If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- DebugLevel
- Use this parameter to determine the Portal Search debug level. Default is zero 0 . Possible values are positive integer from zero ( 0 ) to fifty ( 50 ).
- DefaultCollectionsDirectory
- You can use this parameter to specify the default directory for search collections. If you use Portal Search locally, this parameter is optional. If you specify no value for this parameter, the default collection directory is profile_root/PortalServer/collections.
If you set up a remote search service, this parameter is mandatory.
For details about setting this parameter refer to Configure the default location for search collections.
- If you set up a remote search service by using EJB, use this parameter to specify the EJB name in JNDI. An example value is ejb/com/ibm/hrl/portlets/WsPse/WebScannerLiteEJBHome .
If you configure a copy of the Search and Browse portlet for this search service, use the same value for this parameter for both the search service and the Search and Browse portlet.
If you set this parameter, you also need to set the IIOP_URL parameter.
- EJB_Example
- This is an example that gives an example value for the parameter EJB .
The example value is ejb/com/ibm/hrl/portlets/WsPse/WebScannerLiteEJBHome .
- Use this parameter to limit how much content is fetched during a crawl from application files, such as PDF, MicroSoft Word etc. The specified unit is MB. Default is 20 MB.
If a file exceeds the specified limit, the document is truncated, and Portal Search indexes the fetched portion as is possible. However, indexing might fail on truncated documents; in this case the document will not be listed under search results at all. Notes:
- If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- Document Conversion Services might not be able to convert the content of truncated application files.
If Document Conversion Services fails to convert a truncated application file, it logs an error to the SystemErr.log file. If tracing is enabled for the portal, Portal Search logs a warning message to the portal log file.
- This parameter limits how much portal content is fetched during a crawl from your own portal site. It determines the amount of space that is reserved for listing portal site resources or managed Web content resources. The specified unit is MB. Default is 4 MB.
If a crawl exceeds the limit set for this parameter, the crawl fails, and Portal Search logs an error message. In this case, or if returned search results do not represent to complete extent of the portal site resources, increase this value.
If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- Use this parameter to limit how much content of each HTML page is fetched from Web sites of collections that belong to this search service. The specified unit is MB. Default is 0.2 MB.
This means that the amount of content sent for indexing is always the first 0.2 MB of text.
If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- If you set up a remote search service by using EJB, use this parameter to specify the IIOP URL. An example value is iiop://localhost:2811 .
If you configure a copy of the Search and Browse portlet for this search service, use the same value for this parameter for both the search service and the portlet.
- Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of updates on the index after which a build operation is performed. A build operation updates the collection content and makes it searchable. The default value is 10000 updates. The minimum batch size is 100 updates. A smaller number will be changed to that minimum. Notes:
- If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- Other events can overrule this limit. This results in a build operation before the limit specified here is reached.
For example, this occurs when you add documents to the collection manually, or when the time limit specified by the parameter MAX_BUILD_INTERVAL_TIME_SECONDS runs out. In both cases the index is rebuilt immediately.
- Use this parameter to specify the time interval between two index builds during a crawl. This value is specified in seconds.
Default is 3000 seconds. The minimum interval is 30 seconds. A smaller number will be changed to that minimum. Notes:
- If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- Other events can overrule this limit. This results in a build operation before the limit specified here is reached.
For example, this occurs when you add documents to the collection manually, or when the size limit specified by the parameter MAX_BUILD_BATCH_SIZE is reached. In both cases the index is rebuilt immediately.
- IIOP_URL_Example
- This is an example that gives an example value for the parameter IIOP_URL .
The example value is iiop://localhost:2811 .
- This parameter defines whether IBM Lotus Web Content Management search results are opened in a Web Content Management Web Content Viewer portlet. You can specify a URL Mapping to a portal page as follows: portal_context_path/portal_URL_mapping_to_portal_page?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT= .
This URL mapping can be to a portal page that contains a Web Content Management viewer portlet. Default is WpsContextRoot/myportal/wcmContent?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT= , where WpsContextRoot is the portal context root set at installation time. You can find its value in the file
- OpenResultMode
- Use this parameter to specify how results are displayed when you use the Search and Browse feature of the Manage Search portlet. Possible values are:
- new - This opens search results in a new window. This is the default. Use this setting for searching documents on a Web site.
- same - This opens search results in the same window. Use this setting for searching a portal site.
- wcm - This value is only supported for use with the Search and Browse portlet. Do not use this value when you configure the search service.
The default setting is new . Notes:
- The value for this parameter does not need to match the parameter value for the search service to which you configure this Search and Browse portlet. Each search service or portlet can have its own value.
- As the Search and Browse portlet relates to only one document collection, you can install separate Search and Browse portlets for each of the content sources mentioned above.
- PortalCollectionForceCreate
- If you deleted the portal site default search collection, set this parameter to on to have the portal site search collection recreated.
For example, this can be, if you modified the default configuration of the portal site collection. If you change the value for this parameter to on , the portal site search collection is recreated the next time you call up the Manage Search portlet. The portal then resets the value for this parameter to off . Default is on .
- Use this parameter to specify the type of search service. Possible values are localhost , ejb , and soap. Default is localhost for local search service.
If you use Portal Search locally, this parameter is optional.
If you set up a remote search, this parameter is mandatory. In this case specify the type of remote service that you use, EJB or SOAP. If you specify ejb here, you also need to specify the values for the parameters EJB and IIOP_URL .
If you specify soap here, you also need to specify the values for the parameter SOAP_URL .
If you configure a copy of the Search and Browse portlet for this search service, use the same value for this parameter for both the search service and the Search and Browse portlet.
- Use this parameter to increase the timeout for fetching the seedlist page. The specified unit is seconds. Default is 150 sec.
This means that the portal search attempts to fetch the seedlist main URL for 150 seconds.
If you modify the value for this parameter, the new value is applied only to newly created collections of the search service. You cannot update this parameter for existing search collections.
- If you set up a remote search service by using SOAP, use this parameter to specify the SOAP URL. An example value is http://localhost:10000/WebScannerSOAP/servlet/rpcrouter .
If you configure a copy of the Search and Browse portlet for this search service, use the same value for this parameter for both the search service and the portlet.
- SOAP_URL_Example
- This is an example that gives an example value for the parameter SOAP_URL .
The example value is http://localhost:10000/WebScannerSOAP/servlet/rpcrouter .
The following parameters are reserved for internal use only. Do not change their values.
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is ContentSourceType .
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is Portal .
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is Upload .
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is Web .
- PortalCollectionCreated
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is true .
- PortalCollectionName
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is .
- PortalCollectionSourceName
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is .
- SeedListPageName
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is ibm.portal.Search Seedlist .
- SetProperties
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Possible values are on or off . Default is on .
- startup
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is false .
- This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. Default is 123 .
- You can use this parameter to specify the work manager. This parameter is reserved for internal use only. Do not change its value. The default value is wps/searchIndexWM .
- This is an example of the deployed WORK_MANAGER parameter.
The example value is wps/searchIndexWM .
- This is an example of the parameter WORK_MANAGER for native threads for debug purposes only. The example value is .
Parent topic:
Administer Portal Search
Related tasks
Manage search services
Configure the Search and Browse portlet for end users
Configure the default location for search collections
Related reference
Configuration parameters for the Search and Browse portlet