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Prerequisites for Document Conversion Services

Learn about the prerequisites for running Document Conversion Services in WebSphere Portal. A knowledge of these prerequisites can assist you in preventing, identifying, and correcting problems related to Document Conversion Services.

Prerequisites for Document Conversion Services in non-Windows platforms

To be able to perform document conversions in a non-Windows platform, you need to perform the following steps whenever you start the Portal server from a new terminal window:

  1. Ensure that the oiexport directory is in the PATH as PortalServer_root/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport:$PATH.

    For example, export PATH = PortalServer_root/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport:AppServer_root/java/jre/bin:$PATH

  2. Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /LIBPATH/ SHLIB_PATH to point to the oiexport directory and the graphics library directory. This environment variable is different for different platforms, as detailed in the table below:

    Platform Library path variable

    For example, in case of Linux, the command could be export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = PortalServer_root/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport:/usr/X11R6/lib

Prerequisites for viewing images in non-Windows platform

To view the images in non-Windows platforms, configure as per the following steps:

  1. Connect to the non-Windows machine from the Windows machine using PuTTY or any other Telnet client.

  2. The oiexport directory should be in the PATH as PortalServer_root/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport:$PATH.

    For example, export PATH = PortalServer_root/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport:AppServer_root/java/jre/bin:$PATH

  3. Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /LIBPATH/ SHLIB_PATH to point to the oiexport directory and the graphics library directory. This environment variable is different for different platforms, as detailed in the table below:

    Platform Library path variable

    For example, in case of Linux, the command could be export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = PortalServer_root/lwo/prereq.odc/shared/app/oiexport:/usr/X11R6/lib

  4. Now connect to another non-Windows machine through XBrowser.

  5. Start the XBrowser and enter the host name. Once you login successfully, type echo $DISPLAY at the prompt. This will give you <machine-ip>:0.0,, where <machine-ip> refers to the ip of the machine from where XBrowser has been started.

  6. In the same Telnet/ssh session where you have exported PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH/LIBPATH/SHLIB_PATH, type the command export DISPLAY=<machine-ip>:0.0. This value will be the same as the value you get in the previous step.

  7. Change directory to the location where the xclock and xhost files are present, for example, /usr/X/bin.

  8. Type the command ./xclock &.

  9. Type ./xhost + on the non-Windows machine through which you are connected through XBrowser. This will give you the message access control disabled, clients can connect from any host.

    Changing directory is required because by entering the commands xclock& or xhost+, the error message command not found is displayed.

  10. The Xclock popup comes up on the desktop of the non-Windows machine to which you are connected through X-Browser.

  11. Change directory to AppServer_root/bin.

  12. Restart the server.

  13. Open a web browser and try viewing the file containing images.

The above steps are given to start the X server using XBrowser.

To start the X server using Exceed or X virtual frame buffer (Xvfb)...

  1. Start Exceed.

  2. Connect to the UNIX or Linux machine using PuTTY and then type export PATH.


  4. Type export DISPLAY.

  5. Type echo $DISPLAY on the machine to which you have connected using Exceed or Xvbf.

  6. Enter xclock & (if xclock appears on the desktop of the non-Windows machine to which you are connected through Exceed or Xvfb, then X server is running).

  7. If xhost + {xhost + <IP>} appears, this means conversion works for this particular IP and only + means for all machines.

    When using UNIX, launch WebSphere Portal from the console or an X Server-enabled client with the same privileges (xhost+) as the console. The graphical conversions require access to an X-Windows server, since they require access to the Xm, Xt and X11 libraries. Also the DISPLAY environment variable must be set to the account that Portal is running under.

    The DISPLAY must be valid at the point that Portal is started. Otherwise, telneting to a machine and starting Portal from there does not work. You will need to start Portal from an X terminal.

Visual C++ libraries are required for Windows 2003

To run Document Conversion Services on Windows2003, download Visual C++ libraries included in the Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package available from the Microsoft download site. There are three versions of this package, x86, x64, and IA64 for the 86 - bit, 64 - bit, and 64 - bit Itanium-based systems, respectively.

You need to search the Microsoft download site for the files vcredist_x86.exe, vcredist_x64.exe, or vcredist_IA64.exe. The required version of each of these downloads is the 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package or newer.

Parent topic:

Enable Document Conversion Services