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Portal administration tools

Learn about the different tools that you can use to administer the portal.

You can administer and configure portal resources by using one of the following tools:

The ReleaseBuilder utilizes the portal XML configuration interface for staging purposes.

For example you can use the ReleaseBuilder to move a portal configuration from a test system to a production system. It is documented under the Installing section of the information center.

The portal provides several administration tools for limited purposes. These are documented in the context where they can be used. An example is the SLCheckerTool, which you can use to delete orphaned data.


WebSphere Portal provides a flexible delegation model for administering portal resources. This means that a master administrator can delegate administration and configuration work to subadministrators or other users as required in a highly detailed manner.

For example, the master administrator can delegate the responsibility and rights for different administrative tasks to different departments in the same business. These can be departments for developing, deploying, and operating software solutions that are based on WebSphere Portal.

The delegation model is implemented by access control, which works by access control decisions which guard the execution of administrative tasks that manipulate portal resources. Users can only perform a task if they have the access permissions required for that task. Access permissions are implemented as user rights on actions related to portal resources, not on the resources themselves. For more details refer to the documentation about access control.

The extent to which the portal delegation model and access control is tied in varies between the portal administration tools. Security might therefore influence which tool you use for a given purpose.

Administration portlets overview

Portal administrative users can use the administration portlets for the following tasks:

You cannot use the administration portlets to perform scripted or automated administration or configuration tasks.

For more information refer to the documentation about the administration portlets that are supplied with WebSphere Portal.

Overview of the XML configuration interface

The XML configuration interface works as follows:

You can use the XML configuration interface for the following tasks:

Security: A user who uses the XML configuration interface to perform administrative tasks only needs the access right on the virtual resource XML_ACCESS. The user does not need access rights on the portal resources that are updated by the XML configuration interface.

Use of the XML configuration interface for the following tasks is limited:

For more information refer to the documentation about the XML configuration interface.

The XML configuration interface is also used for release staging, that is for staging a portal from development through test to production. For more information about staging the portal to production refer to the topics about staging to production and ReleaseBuilder.

Overview of the Portal Scripting Interface

The Portal Scripting Interface works as follows:

You can use the Portal Scripting Interface for the following tasks:

The Portal Scripting Interface has the following advantages:

Use of the Portal Scripting Interface is limited in the following way:

Parent topic:

Administer WebSphere Portal

Related concepts

About ReleaseBuilder

Related reference

Command reference for Portal Scripting Interface