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Parallel portlet rendering

You can configure parallel portlet rendering to optimize the response time of the portal, depending on your configuration. When portlets on a page are rendered sequentially, some portlets can delay output from other portlets to the client browser.

For example, portlets that are waiting for a response from a remote service can cause such delays. Parallel portlet rendering can prevent this delay.

Enabling parallel portlet rendering provides a benefit if a high proportion of the portlets access remote locations to fetch the content that they render, for example by consuming WSRP services as remote portlets from a WSRP Producer.

For portlets to be rendered parallel, the settings for both the portal and the individual portlets need to be set to enable parallel portlet rendering.

The default setting for the portal is that portlets cannot be rendered in parallel. In addition, the default setting for individual portlets is not to be rendered in parallel. An individual portlet needs to be enabled for parallel rendering, for example, by the portlet developer or the administrator. Therefore, if you enable the portal wide property for parallel portlet rendering, the portal renders only those portlets concurrently which have been configured accordingly. Portlets that are not enabled for parallel rendering are always rendered sequentially.

You can change the setting for a portlet to parallel rendering in the Manage Portlets portlet. Proceed by the following steps:

  1. Select Portal Administration > Portlet Management > Portlets.

  2. Select the desired portlet and click on the Configure (wrench) icon. The portal displays the panel for configuring the portlet.

  3. Mark the Enable parallel rendering check box to enable parallel rendering for the portlet.

Alternatively you can also use the following parameter to enable parallel rendering of a portlet. You set this parameter as a configuration parameter in IBM portlets or as a read-only preference in standard portlets.

parallel = (false)

When you set this parameter to true, you indicate that the portlet can be rendered in parallel with other portlets on the page. The default is false.

Usually only some of the portlets that are configured for parallel rendering are actually rendered in parallel. Portlets for which the portal cannot provide a thread immediately are rendered sequentially. Therefore, in order to get the best performance, select carefully which portlet you configure for parallel rendering.

You can configure portal wide parallel portlet rendering globally for all markups, or individually for the markups of the client devices that display the pages.

To enable parallel rendering makes sense only for markups that can display all portlets on a page, such as HTML. Therefore, do not enable parallel rendering for markups that can only display a single portlet of a page at a time, such as WML.

You can change the portal wide settings for parallel portlet rendering in the PortletContainerService.

Use two different parameters for configuring parallel portlet rendering, depending on the type of portlets (JSR standard or IBM) you want to have rendered parallel:

The settings for configuring the parallel portlet rendering parameters are listed and explained in the following:


Parallel rendering is disabled. This is the default. All portlets are rendered sequentially, even if they are enabled for parallel rendering.


Parallel rendering is enabled. All portlets which have parallel rendering enabled are rendered in parallel. Portlets that are not enabled for parallel rendering are rendered sequentially.

Fine tuning parallel portlet rendering

You can further tune parallel rendering by specifying different values for the following parameters. These parameters apply to both main parallel portlet rendering parameters given above.

You can specify the time limits for the parallel rendering process of portlets by the following parameters:

parallelRenderingTimeOut = (2000)

Use this parameter to specify the timeout in milliseconds after which the render process of a portlet is aborted. The default is 2000 milliseconds (= 2 seconds).

parallelRenderingTransferTimeOut = (2000)

Use this parameter to specify the timeout in milliseconds after which the main thread aborts transferring the portlet content from the parallel pipe to the main response. The default is the value specified by the parallelRenderingTimeOut setting above.

parallelRenderingWaitTimeOut = (1)

Use this parameter to specify the waiting time in milliseconds for parallel threads to finish the render process of portlets. The default is 1 millisecond. A low value can result in exceptions caused by portlets that could not finish their parallel rendering process.

A high value can cause an increase of the response time. The value 0 (zero) specifies that no timeout occurs and the main thread waits for all portlets to finish.

Queues are used to pass the content of the portlet between the threads. You can configure the queue handling by setting the following parameter:

parallelRenderingChunkSize = (1024)

Specifies the size of the chunks in bytes that are read from the queue. Default is 1024 bytes.

All queues are held in a pool for reuse. You can change the pool settings for parallel portlet rendering in the pipe pool. For more details refer to the documentation about the pipe pool under portal configuration services.

Asynchronous beans are used for the parallel rendering process. A WorkManager wm/wpsWorkManager is configured to manage the asynchronous beans. Do not change this name as the name is set in both the WAS and the WebSphere Portal configurations. Set the option isGrowable in the WorkManager panel of the WAS to false.

Otherwise parallel portlet rendering might not work to the full extent.

For optimal operation of parallel portlet rendering, the number of threads used by the work manager should be adjusted to your system resources and the requirements of your system and users. System resources are important as each additional thread requires additional memory. The requirements for proper operation can be monitored using the WAS Performance Viewer. In the Performance Viewer you can determine whether the thread pool used by the work manager is sized appropriately. In the thread pool, increase the maximum number of threads if all threads are constantly in use. In addition, verify the 'Work request queue size' setting for the work manager. Portlets are rendered in parallel only if their requests can be queued by the work manager before execution.

If the queue is full, threads will not be rendered in parallel. This parameter cannot be monitored. The specified default provides a good starting point for most environments.

When general tracing is enabled and parallel portlet rendering is turned on, portlets that are configured to be rendered in parallel display the render time as part of the portlet content. To use general tracing but do not want the render times to be displayed for such portlets, selectively disable tracing for com.ibm.wps.pe.PortletRenderTimeLoggingHelper.

How to prepare portlets for parallel portlet rendering

In general, all portlets must be implemented in a thread-safe manner to be accessible by multiple users at the same time. The portlets can then easily be rendered in parallel.

However, be aware of the following specific limitations for portlets to render in parallel:

As the term Parallel Portlet Rendering indicates, only the rendering phase of a portlet is executed in parallel, not the action phase. Therefore, when you write portlets that are rendered in parallel, follow the Model-View-Controller pattern thoroughly.

Parent topic:

Configure portal behavior

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Related reference

Portal configuration services