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Example JACL scripts for site management

View example scripts for creating, publishing, promoting, and demoting a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface. JACL code example for creating a page with a object ID for publishing:

# Scripting bean example: create a simple page (multi-column Layout)           

# Procedure: create a multi-column page below the page that is currently       
# selected, and place the given portlets into the layout.                      
# parameters:                                                                  
#   name              The name of the page                                     
#   portlet_names     A list of portlet names.                                 
# returns:
#   oid               The id of the page that has been created                  

proc create_multi_col_page 
    name uniqueName portlet_names } 
  global Content Layout Portlet                                                

    set thePage [$Content create page $name html]                              
    $Content select $the Page  
    $Content set uniquename $uniqueName                                  
    set lyt0 [$Layout create container horizontal select]                      

    foreach pn $portlet_names {                                                
      set pid [$Portlet find portlet cn $pn]                                   
      $Layout create control $pid                                              
  return $thePage                                                              
# main code starts here                                                        
# set User ID/ pwd for portal Login command                                    
# Hint: User ID and passwords should normally not be placed inside a           
# configuration script; better use property files or command line arguments    
set user portaladmin                                                            
set pwd  adminpwd                                                              

$Portal login $user $pwd                                                       
# determine and select the parent of the page to be created.                   
# In this example, This is the "Home" label.                                   
$Content select [$Content find all uniquename "ibm.portal.Home"]               
# Invoke the page creation procedure. The label of the page is "My test page", 
# portlets to be added are the workd clock portlet, and the welcome portlet.    
set newbie [create_multi_col_page "A Page" "aPage" 
    "World_Clock" "Welcome_to_WebSphere_Portal" 
} ]
puts "ok, we are done."       

This example is based on the testme.jacl example for creating a page under Script mode.

The additions that are required for later publishing are highlighted. JACL code example for publishing the page:

# Scripting bean example: publish a page with the uniquename of "pageUniqueName"
# main code starts here                                                     
# set User ID/ pwd for portal Login command                                 
# Hint: User ID and passwords should normally not be placed inside a        
# configuration script; better use property files or command line arguments 

set user portaladmin                                                         
set pwd  adminpwd                                                           
set sourceServer http://sourceServer:sourceport/wps/mycontenthandler         
set sourceUser sourceUser                                                    
set sourcePwd  sourcePwd
set targetServer http://targetServer:sourceport/wps/mycontenthandler 
set targetUser targetUser                                                    
set targetPwd  targetPwd
set uniqueName "pageUniqueName" 
set parentPage parentPage 
set siblingPage siblingPage
set targetServerUniqueName MyTargetServerUn
$Portal login $user $pwd                                                    
# Publish a page               

$Publish publishPage $sourceServer $sourceUser $sourcePwd 
                     $targetServer $targetUser $targetPwd 
                     $uniqueName $parentPage $siblingPage 
                     $targetServerUniqueName true true

puts "ok, we are done."       
JACL code example for promoting the page:

# Scripting bean example: promote a page with the uniquename of 
#   "com.ibm.portal.published_aPage"
# main code starts here                                                        
# set User ID/ pwd for portal Login command                                    

# Hint: User ID and passwords should normally not be placed inside a           
# configuration script; better use property files or command line arguments 

set user portaladmin                                                            
set pwd  adminpwd                                                              
set server http://server:port/wps/mycontenthandler 
set sUser sUser                                                         
set sPwd  sPwd 
set promoteOption 0
set uniqueName "com.ibm.portal.published_aPage"

$Portal login $user $pwd                                                       
# Promote a page               

$Publish promotePage $server $sUser $sPwd $uniqueName $promoteOption true true
puts "ok, we are done."      
JACL code example for demoting the page:

# Scripting bean example: demote a page with the uniquename of "aPage"         
# main code starts here                                                        
# set User ID/ pwd for portal Login command                                    
# Hint: User ID and passwords should normally not be placed inside a           
# configuration script; better use property files or command line arguments 

set user portaladmin                                                            
set pwd  adminpwd                                                              
set server http://server:port/wps/mycontenthandler 
set sUser sUser                                                         
set sPwd  sPwd
set uniqueName "aPage"
$Portal login $user $pwd                                                       
# Demote a page               

$Publish demotePage $server $sUser $sPwd $uniqueName true true
puts "ok, we are done."       

Parent topic:

Site management extension of the Portal Scripting Interface

Related reference

Publish a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
Promote a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface
Demote a page by using the Portal Scripting Interface