Enable the Space Selector
Enabling the Space Selector requires a custom theme.
To create a theme that enables the Space Selector, proceed by the following steps:
- Copy the contents of the PortalServer_root/base/wp.mmi.deploy/installedApps/MashupMaker_Integration.ear/themes.war directory to a temporary location. If necessary, change the access permission on that temporary directory to allow write access.
- In the web.xml in the temporary location temp_location/WEB-INF/web.xmlchange the ID attribute on the web-app element to MashupsThemesSpaces_ID. Also, change the application display name to a name of your choice, for example Mashups Themes with Spaces Support.
- For the security extensions: In the temp_location/WEB-INF/ibm-web-ext.xmi change the href attribute of the webApp element to a Web application ID of your choice, for example WEB-INF/web.xml#MashupsThemesSpaces_ID.
- For the security bindings: In the temp_location/WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xmi change the href attribute of the webApp element to a Web application ID of your choice, for example WEB-INF/web.xml#MashupsThemesSpaces_ID.
- In the temp_location/theme_name/theme.html uncomment the space selector widget by the following procedure:
- Change the line: <!-- @spaceselector.start@ to <!-- @spaceselector.start@ --> .
- Change the line: @spaceselector.end@--> to <!-- @spaceselector.end@ --> .
As an alternative, you can also remove these lines.
- Modify the file temp_location/theme_name/metadata.xml to give the theme a new name. Make sure you delete the unmodified titles, or update all titles so that the titles in other languages match the new name.
- Repeat the previous step for each theme in the directory.
- Compress your modified directories into a new WAR file. To do this, use the JAVA JAR tool.
- To deploy your module, follow the instructions given under the topic about Adding a custom mashup page theme to the portal.
To add the space selector widget to custom theme, add the following markup to your theme.html file:
<li class="spaceSelectorDiv"> <div class="mm_iWidget" id="spaceSelector"> <a class="mm_Definition" href="/mum/widget-catalog/spaceSelector.xml"></a> </div> </li>After you apply custom theme to the My Mashups page, the Space Selector will show. But when you create a new space, select custom theme from the list of themes, otherwise your space will not include the Space Selector.
Parent topic:
Work with mashup spaces
Related tasks
Add a custom mashup page theme to the portal