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Create pages

Read about the different tasks associated with the Manage Pages portlet.

The Manage Pages portlet allows you to perform the following tasks:

Both administrators and users with appropriate access can create and delete pages. Users can only delete the pages they create or the pages for which they have at least Manager access.

When creating a URL Mapping or creating or modifying a page, make sure that URL Mappings and friendly URLs in the portal do not match, partially overlap, or otherwise interfere with each other.

For example, do not use strings such as home, ibm, ibm.com, and do not use strings that have been used as URL Mappings or friendly URLs in the portal already. Otherwise infinite browser redirect loops might occur, sometimes without an error message. To determine such strings, create an export from the portal by using the XML configuration interface and scan the exported XML result output file for the string that you want to use for your URL Mapping or for your friendly URL.

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