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Configure Mashup Center related functions for mashups in the portal

You can configure mashups in the portal to use the functionality of the Mashup Center.

To enable the hub related actions in the UI, configure a Mashup Center catalog URL for the portal. Proceed as follows:

  1. Run the following command:

    Configengine.sh|bat set-mashuphub-url -DhubUrl=huburl -DWasPassword=was_password -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_password
    If you add passwords to wkplc.properties located in the profile_root/ConfigEngine\properties directory, you do not need to specify the passwords on the command line.Example:

    Configengine set-mashuphub-url -DhubUrl=http://acme.com:9080/mashuphub

  2. Restart the portal to enable the hub related action options in the user interface.

  3. Review portal mashup integration user interface. You can see an additional button Open the catalog in a new browser next to the mashup toolbox.

Parent topic:

Configure the portal: integrating the Mashup Center Catalog