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Activate or deactivating a page, label, or URL

You can toggle pages, labels, and URLs to be active or inactive. Users cannot access an inactive resource.

You must activate it before you or other users can view the resource.

You must have the Priviledged User, Manager, Security Administrator, Editor, or Administrator role assignment to delete a page, label, or URL. To activate or deactivate a page, label, or URL...

  1. Click Administration .

  2. Click Manage Pages directly from the navigation.

  3. Navigate in the table or use the search option to locate the page, label, or URL that you want to make active or inactive.

  4. Activate and deactivating resources:

    • If the Status column shows a resource as Active, the resource is available. To deactivate it, click the link Active.

      You will be prompted to confirm the change. The status column for the resource changes to Inactive to indicate that the resource is not available.

    • If the Status column shows a resource as Inactive, the resource is not available. To make the resource available, click the link Inactive. You will be prompted to confirm the change. The status column for the resource changes to Active to indicate that the resource is available.

Parent topic:

Manage pages