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Portal, V6.1


Work on tasks

Use the generic Task Processing portlet or custom-coded, dedicated task processing portlets to work with and complete individual tasks contained in the workflow of the business process definition. To open a task in the Task Processing portlet, first claim the task from your Task List and open the task by clicking the task name link. If no specific task page reference is specified by the task, the default task page containing the generic Task Processing portlet is opened. If a specific task page reference has been specified, a new task page is opened based on the portal page identified by the custom unique name contained in the task page reference. If you are a portal administrator, you can customize the default task page and dedicated task pages to contain the set of portlets necessary to complete the corresponding human tasks.

Using the Task Processing portlet and the Manage Processes portlet in a cross-cell setup requires manual copying of process artifacts, for example, required class libraries, into the portal installation.

Use the Task Processing portlet to render a generated user interface for the input and output data of human tasks. This portlet provides a form that displays input business data as read-only and output business data as read-write. The input data is pulled from the current task state and is automatically passed to the Task Processing portlet during the page launch. Modify the output data and save it to the new task state. You can also complete the associated human task instance which implicitly saves the output data to the task. These actions cause the process server to evaluate the process template to determine the next step in the task flow. For example, completing a task might initiate a subsequent task in the workflow of the business process application.

To work on and complete a specific human task, use the Task Processing portlet to complete these steps:

  1. View the Task Input Message form. You cannot edit these fields. These values are pulled from the current task state and are potentially affected by the data provided in the context of a human task that is processed before the current task. For example, the Travel Request form submitted by a sales representative includes the destination, preferred departure date and time, reason for the trip, and other information required for approval to make a business trip.

  2. View and edit the Task Output Message form:

    1. Type values into the fields of the data attributes shown in the Task Output Message form.

    2. For fields requiring complex data, click Add to display additional fields.

    3. Click Save to save the currently provided output values to the process state without completing the task.

    4. Click Save and Close to save the currently provided output values to the process state without completing the task and close the task page. You can open the task page again to continue working on the task.

    5. Click Submit to save the currently provided output data to the process state and complete the task to advance the workflow to the next task. The task page closes and the task no longer displays in your task list.

    6. Click Cancel to discard any updates and close the task page without completing the task.


Parent topic

Work with process applications


Related tasks

Use generic process integration portlets in a cross-cell setup