Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Verifying JDBC driver paths

If you are using a IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory-managed JDBC connection, provide the WebSphere Portlet Factory the path to the JDBC driver to be able to access the database containing the profile sets. You can do so by entering the class name in the JDBC.properties file and including the file name and path in the classpath.

You can determine whether the path to the JDBC driver has been added by looking in JdbcDrivers.properties in the nonservable_content_root\config directory. This file contains the path to the JDBC drivers. In Windows NT/Windows 2000, the directories in the path are separated by a double-backslash (\\), for example:


where db2java.zip is located in the C:\drivers\jdbc\db2\5.2 directory.

If you have not installed the JDBC driver for the database containing the profile sets, do the following:

  1. In a text editor, open one of the following files in the nonservable_content_root\config directory:

    • Apache Tomcat – install.properties.guide.tomcat

    • IBM WebSphere Application Server - install.properties.guide.websphere

  2. Copy the JDBC Driver section paste it at the end of the install.properties file. An example of the JDBC Driver section from install.properties.guide is shown below:
    # REQUIRED for: none
    # APPLIES to: Cluster Administration Server, Cluster Server, Development Server, Standalone
    # Setup your JDBC driver info here
    # Uncomment these settings to use a JDBC driver
    # To use an additional driver, copy and modify the database settings
    # above. Be sure to increment the number (0) as required
    # original: JDBCDRIVER_SHORTNAME_0=
    # original: JDBCDRIVER_CLASSNAME_0=
    # original: JDBCDRIVER_LOCATION_0=
    # install.jdbc.driver.shortName_0=Oracle8
    # install.jdbc.driver.className_0=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    # install.jdbc.driver.location_0=c:\\driverdir\\oracle816thin.zip (or
    # ../driverdir/oracle816thin.zip)
    # To add additional JDBC drivers after your initial configuration,
    # you may follow the steps above and modify the following parameters:
    # install.all=false
    # install.jdbc=true

  3. Uncomment the JDBC driver section, and add the appropriate information for your JDBC driver. For example, assume you want to add an Oracle JDBC driver for a database that runs on Windows NT/Windows 2000. You would assign a short name, its class name, and a path to its location, as shown below.
    install.jdbc.driver.shortName_0=Oracle8 install.jdbc.driver.className_0=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver install.jdbc.driver.location_0=c:\\driverdir\\oracle816thin.zip

    Note: The increment number (_0) is the same for all three properties because they refer to the same JDBC driver. To add another JDBC driver, you would increment the number by one, as shown below:

    install.jdbc.driver.shortName_1=DB2 install.jdbc.driver.className_1=COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver install.jdbc.driver.location_1=C\:\\drivers\\jdbc\\db2\\7.1\\jdbc2.0-jdk1.2\\db2java.zip

  4. To install the JDBC driver, type the following at the command prompt in nonservable_content_root/bin directory:

    • For UNIX: ./setup auto

    • For Windows NT/Windows 2000: setup auto

Parent topic: Setting up database storage

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