Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Transforming statement results with the SQL statement builder
The SQL Statement builder provides settings that allow for special-handling of columns via method-driven transforms. For example, you can use this feature to transform an output parameter to a record set. In addition to SQL composition, the SQL Statement builder provides a way for you to apply a custom transform method to a column in a ResultSet. This allows you to control the XML formatting of returned data on a column-by-column basis. You might need to do this if the ResultSet contains complex JDBC column types, or if you want to apply other formatting to the ResultSet.
- Add an SQL Transform to XML builder to the model to store your results in an XML variable.
- Add an SQL Transaction builder to the model, specifying the name of your DataSource, SQL Statement, and SQL Transforms as a transaction step.
Parent topic: Working with a database
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