Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Renaming resources

You can rename a folder, a model, or a profile set. To rename a folder, model, or profile set from the Project Explorer, follow these steps:

  1. Select the folder, model, or profile set.

  2. Choose Refactor > Rename either by right clicking the resource and then selecting from the resulting popup menu, or by clicking the resource and choosing Refactor > Rename from the main menu.

  3. Enter the new name in the Rename Resource dialog.

  4. Click Preview to display a list of the changes that will occur if you rename the selected item. In some cases, the renaming will affect multiple resources. These resources are listed in the Preview screen. You can elect not to update one or more of the resources in the list but to update the others, though typically you would not do this.

  5. Click OK to complete the renaming or Cancel to cancel the renaming. If you click OK, the name of the item you selected is changed and references to other resources are reconciled.

To rename a resource in the Model Navigator, right click the resource, choose Rename from the resulting popup, and enter the new name.

Parent topic: Refactoring

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