Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Customizing the appearance of the paging buttons control

Follow these steps to customize the appearance of the paging buttons control.

  1. Create a copy of the data_paging_buttons.html file, which can be found in the servable_content_root/factory/pages directory

  2. Modify the new file to implement any style or other appearance changes you want to make.

  3. Save the modified file.

  4. In the Paging Buttons builder call, set the HTML Page input in the Advanced category to the path and file name of the new HTML page.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Run the model. The appearance of the paging buttons will now be determined by your HTML file.

  7. If you change the HTML file used by the paging buttons, generate the model so that you can see the new changes.

Parent topic: Paging Buttons builder

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