Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Importing an archive file

You can use the WebSphere Portlet Factory Archive Import wizard to incorporate resources from an external source into a project. These resources must be in the form of a IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Archive zip file.

Note: The Import War and Import Ear functions do not create a WebSphere Portlet Factory project. To import a WebSphere Portlet Factory project use Import > WebSphere Portlet Factory Archive.

  1. In the Project Explorer, click the project.

  2. From the main menu bar, click File > Import.

  3. In the Import wizard, click Other > WebSphere Portlet Factory Archive and click Next.

  4. Click Browse to select the zip archive file that contains the files to be extracted and imported into your project.

    You can also select pkg files that were previously created using the legacy Package Manager.

  5. In the import selection panes, expand the hierarchies in the left pane and select or clear the check boxes that represent the folders in the selected archive. Use the following to select exactly the resources to import:

    Filter Types

    Use this to filter the current selection for files of a specific type.

    Select All

    Use this to select all resources in the archive file and deselect resources you do not want to import.

    Deselect All

    Use this to deselect all resources in the archive file and select individual resources to import.
    For more information, see the help for the dialog.

  6. In Into folder, specify the project target to be the import destination.

    The import operation always places the archive contents relative to project servable content directory. For Eclipse projects, this is the project root. For Rational Application Developer embedded server projects, this is the WebContent directory beneath the project root. Selecting folders deeper than the content directory has no affect.

  7. When you finish specifying your import options, click Finish.

Parent topic: Excel Import builder

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