Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Deploying builders that add Click-to-Action functions to the model

After you add the Cooperative Portlet Source and Cooperative Portlet Target builders that add Click-to-Action functions to the model, rebuild and redeploy the portlet WAR. You can not just add Cooperative Portlet Source and Cooperative Portlet Target builders that add Click-to-Action functions to your portlet models, save them, then run portlets that exhibit the new functionality. These builders describe target portlet actions using WSDL definitions, and these WSDL files must be added to the portlet WAR file. Rebuilding the portlet WAR will add these definitions to it.

Note: It is important to remember that if you have previously built and deployed the portlet WAR without click-to-action functionality, the portlet WAR must be removed and re-deployed for Click-to-Action features to function properly.

  1. To re-deploy a portlet WAR if click-to-action features have been added to the portlet WAR, determine if synchronization is enabled in the project.

  2. If synchronization is enabled in the project, perform the following steps:

    1. Develop or modify the model representing the portlet.

    2. Right-click on the project, select Properties and WebSphere Portlet Factory Project Properties and de-select the Automatically Synchronize Portlet WAR option.

    3. Log in to IBM® WebSphere® Portal and manually uninstall WebSphere Portal WAR using the portal server administration tool.

    4. Right-click on the project, select Properties and WebSphere Portlet Factory Project Properties and select the Automatically Synchronize Portlet WAR option. This will copy any changed files to the portlet WAR automatically.

    Subsequent changes to the click-to-action models can then be deployed to the portal server using IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer's automatic synchronization feature.

  3. If auto-deployment is not enabled in the project, perform the following steps:

    1. Develop or modify the model representing the portlet.

    2. Uninstall the portlet WAR using the portal server administration tool.

    3. Use WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer's Portlet Server WAR > Build Portlet WAR right-click Project Menu choice to build the WAR.

    4. Manually install the portlet WAR using the portal server administration tool.

Parent topic: How do I use Click-to-Action portlets?

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