Creating a deployment configuration



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If you have existing deployment configurations that work, you can use them in multiple projects.

Deployment configurations can be shared among projects. If you do not have an appropriate deployment configuration, you need to add a new configuration.

  1. Do one of the following steps.

    • If you are running the Deployment Configuration dialog of the Project Creation wizard, under Project Deployment Configurations, click Add in Application Server Deployment Configuration or in Portal Server Deployment Configuration.

    • Click...

      Windows | Preferences | WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer | Deployment | Add

    • Click...

      Project | Properties | WebSphere Portlet Factory Project Properties | Project Deployment Configurations | [Application Server Deployment Configuration |Portal Server Deployment Configuration] | Add

    • In Project Explorer...

      Project (right-click) | Properties | WebSphere Portlet Factory Project Properties | Project Deployment Configurations | Add

    The New Deployment Configuration dialog opens.

  2. In Configuration Name, enter a unique string that identifies the deployment target.

  3. Optional: In Description, enter text to describe the use of the configuration.

  4. In Server Type, select the version of the server.

    Make the most appropriate choice for the environment in which the applications for this project are deployed.

    The application server deployment configuration is used for testing purposes whenever the project is run from within the WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer or for creating WAR files that can be deployed to an application server.

    The portal server deployment configuration is used for running the project inside of a portlet container like WebSphere Portal server. The dialog box expands to display additional input fields under Deployment Configuration Details. The fields depend on the server type that you select.

  5. Provide the settings necessary to have IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer generate a WAR to run applications in the proper framework.

    Use the following list as a guide to understand the inputs required under Deployment Configuration Details.

    Admin Password

    Enter the password for the WAS administrator.

    Admin URL

    Enter the path to the WAS config console; for example...


    Admin User

    Enter the user name of the WAS administrator. This name is probably different than the WebSphere Portal server administrator's user name.

    Auto deploy

    If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.1 in Server Type and set Auto deploy, you see this field. Set to have your WAR automatically deployed when you save a changed application.

    Installed Application Dir

    Choose the path to the installedApps folder for your application server. For example:


    The wizard displays an error message at the top if you choose an invalid folder or enter an invalid cell_name.

    JRE Home

    If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.1 in Server Type and set Auto deploy, you see this field. Enter the path to the JRE for Eclipse to use.

    pbportlet.jar location

    If you specify WebSphere Native (deprecated) in Portlet API, you see this field. Location of the pbportlet.jar file. This file is needed only if you plan to build portlets based on the deprecated IBM Portlet API, rather than the Java Standard 1.0 (JSR 168) API (recommended).

    Portlet API

    If you specify a portal server in Server Type, you see this field. Select the interface to be used in your portlets with this configuration.

    • Java Standard 2.0 ( JSR 286) is supported in WebSphere Portal 6.1 and later or RAD Portal Unit Test Environment.

    • Java Standard 1.0 (JSR 168) is supported in WebSphere Portal 6.0 and later or RAD Portal Unit Test Environment.

    • WebSphere Native (deprecated) is supported in WebSphere Portal 6.0 and later or RAD Portal Unit Test Environment. Because the WebSphere Native API is deprecated, use the Java Standard API to deploy your portlets.

    Profile Directory

    If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.1 in Server Type and set Auto deploy, you see this field. Location of the profile that this configuration uses. Profiles are used to define user groups and access rights.

    Server Host

    Provide the host name of the application server or enter localhost.

    Server Port

    Provide the port number for the application server instance you have designated.

    The default ports differ between versions of WAS and WebSphere Portal server.

    • On a WAS and WebSphere Portal server installation, the default port for the server1 instance is 10000 and the WebSphere_Portal instance is 10038.

    • On a WAS Community Edition installation, the default port is 8080.

    Note: The actual port numbers may differ from those listed. Launching a browser window that opens the application server is the best way to know for sure what the hostname and port number is. On the machine where the application server is installed, use the following procedure to determine the port information.

    • For WebSphere Portal, click...

      Start | All Programs | WebSphere Portal | First Steps | Launch WebSphere Portal

    • For WAS Community Edition, click...

      Start | All Programs | IBM WebSphere | Application Server Community Edition | Administrative console

    • For Lotus Mashups, click the Admin console.

    Complete port information is available in the Websphere Administration Console in the Servers section under...

    Configuration | Ports

    Specify Deployment Credentials

    This option allows WebSphere Portlet Factory to automatically deploy your application, without requiring you or an administrator to manually deploy your application from the administration console on the server. This option is only available when the WAS or WebSphere Portal server is selected.

    Automatic deployment of the development WAR file is convenient. For this reason, many developers prefer using locally installed servers when their hardware supports doing so. If this option is available, you should enable it.

    War location

    You see this field in the following cases.

    • If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.0 and clear Specify Deployment Credentials

    • If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.1 and clear Auto deploy

    Path to the deployed WAR.

    WAS Server for deployment

    From the list, choose the server to which the applications in this project should be deployed. By default, the installation of WAS and WebSphere Portal server creates two WAS server instances:

    • server1
    • WebSphere_Portal


    For widgets.


    A WAS server only; that is, it does not have a WebSphere Portal server framework. WebSphere Portlet Factory models can be deployed as J2EE web applications, but they do not function as portlets.


    A WAS server instance that contains a WebSphere Portal Server framework. If you are using WebSphere Portal server, use the WebSphere_Portal server for your WAS server.

    WP Root

    You see this field in the following cases.

    • If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.0 and set Specify Deployment Credentials

    • If you specify WebSphere Portal 6.1 in Server Type and set Auto deploy, you see this field.

    Specify the directory in which the server is installed. Specify the path to the WebSphere\PortalServer folder, whether it is local or available by a mapped drive or UNC. The installableApps and installedApps folders for the server are beneath this folder and are used by the automatic deployment process for WARs.

  6. For some configurations, click Test Server Connection to verify the connection to the server.

    If you receive an error, ensure that your server is running and click Test Server Connection again. Click OK to continue.

  7. Click OK to continue.

  8. Optional: If you are running the Deployment Configuration dialog of the Project Creation wizard, click Finish to create the project.

Parent topic: Overview: deployment