Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Creating a custom model for Customize mode

To create your own model to display during Customize Mode for the widget:

  1. In the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer, create an empty model and add a Widget Customizer builder call to it. The Widget Customizer adds all the elements you need to implement the Customize functionality for your widget. You can add to the base behavior by adding builder calls as described above.

  2. In the Widget Customizer builder, determine which profile entries you want to expose and how those entries will be displayed. See the Widget Customizer builder help for more information.

  3. In the widget model, open the builder call editor for the Widget Adapter builder call.

  4. In the Widget Customizer Model section, specify the model with the Widget Customizer builder call in it.

Parent topic: Overriding the default Customize display

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