Chapter 4 ---------------------------- This directory contains the following Notes database: Suppliers.nsf You need to copy this file into the data directory of your Domino server (usually Domino\data) before you can complete the example in chapter 4. This directory contains a WEB-INF folder with the following WebSphere Portlet Factory artifacts: suppliersService.model suppliers.model suppliersStub.model suppliersMappings.xml.stub To use these files, you should copy the WEB-INF folder into the 'WebContent' directory of a WebSphere Portlet Factory project in the WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer. You should also set up an application server deployment configuration and a portal server deployment configuration for the project. To increase your understanding of WebSphere Portlet Factory, it is recommended that you try and build these artifacts from scratch by following through with the example in chapter 4. Note that before you can use the models in this folder, you will need to add the Lotus Collaboration Extension feature set to your project, which you can do from the WebSphere Portlet Factory Project Properties/Feature Info section of the Project Properties dialog. Once you've done this, you will need to configure the file in the WEB-INF/config folder, so that it points to the correct Domino server with a valid username and password. You also need to configure your Domino server to allow DIIOP communication and HTTP browse access, which is covered in detail in appendix A. Note also that by default, the suppliers model will use the suppliersService model as its service provider. You can change the service provider model used by the suppliers model in the Service Consumer builder call in suppliers.model. Finally, note that to use the mappings file you will need to rename the file to 'suppliersMappings.xml'. This will ensure that the suppliers model uses the stub service.