Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Lotus Forms Launch builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Lotus Forms Launch builder.

Table 1. Lotus Forms Launch builder inputs
Input Name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Page Location Page or pages on which this builder call acts.
Page Control Type Indicate the type of control to add to the page that launches the form.


Places an HTML button on the page to launch the form. This option requires that you provide a button label.

Image Button

Places an image on the page for the button that launches the form. This option requires that you provide an image file for the button. In addition, you can provide images for the button when the user's mouse hovers over it and for when the button is clicked.


Places a text link on the page that launches the form. This option requires that you provide link text.
Label Enter the text displayed on the button if you select Button for the Page Control Type input.
Image Specify the URL to the button image if you select Image Button for the Page Control Type input. An image can be specified in the following ways.





Indirect Reference

The value ImageName references a variable containing a string value such as:

The indirect reference can also be used to call a method. For example, if you have a getImage() method in your model, you can select it using the Method Call picker ${MethodCall/getImage}. This method must return a string that contains the image file name relative to the servable content directory, for example, /Images/myimages/image3.gif. If you are displaying rows of data using the data page builder and want to vary the image based on some criteria related to the row, you can use the xxxxLoopVar variable in your method to fetch data related to the current row. The LoopVar variable name is based on the variable data that the data page builder is operating on.

Hover Image Specify the URL to the image displayed during mouse-over. See the Image input description for more information.
Pressed Image Specify the URL to the image displayed when button is clicked. See the Image input description for more information.
Link text Specify a value to display as the link text. You can specify an indirect reference with the Choose Reference dialog, or enter a text string directly.
Action Type Defines the behavior of the of the action. Choose an action type based on the action that will process the onClick event and if you want to process any form inputs as part of that action.

Submit form and invoke action

Choose this option if the specified action is a method in the model or linked Java object and that method processes the inputs to the form on which the control resides.

Submit form to URL

Choose this option if the specified action is a URL outside of the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime that processes the inputs to a form. The specified URL receives the form input values as name and value pairs appended to the URL.

Link to an action

Choose this option if the specified action is a method in the model or linked Java object (including service calls). This option acts as a simple link, transferring control directly to the specified URL. The specified action cannot process any form inputs.

Link to a URL

Choose this option to navigate to a URL outside the IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory namespace. The URL cannot process any form inputs.

Run a script

Choose this option to run some client-side JavaScript when the user clicks on the button. The script cannot process any form inputs.
Lotus Forms Load Action Specify the model action or external URL to execute when the user clicks on the control that launches the form. Just prior to completion, the load action should invoke a launchContent() method in a linked Java object that is inserted in this builder with the same name as the builder, passing the form to launch the method.
Script to Execute This input is available only if you selected Run a script as the value for Action Type. JavaScript to execute when the user clicks on the button. Form inputs, if any, are not submitted to a script.

Note: Do not use comments in the script you specify. The script you specify is added as one line, so any code following comments is ignored.

Input Mappings You can pass arguments to the specified action by adding argument names and the value to be passed to it. Use the Reference Chooser to specify input values or values returned by methods or service calls as the value to be passed to an argument for the specified action.
Evaluate arguments If the load action includes arguments, specify whether the arguments are evaluated when the action is run or when the page is loaded.

Parent topic: Lotus Forms Launch builder

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