Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Web Service Multiple Operations builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Web Service Multiple Operations builder.
- General Inputs
- Operations
- Service Information
- WS-Security
- Testing Support
- Interface and Stub Models
- Advanced
General Inputs
Table 1. Web Service Multiple Operations builder General inputs Input Name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. WSDL URL Enter the URL for the WSDL document describing the service. The URL may be HTTP based, (for example, http://myhost/mywsdl.wsdl) or a file within the project, such as WEB-INF/mywsdl.wsdl.
Create Service Definition Select to define a default service definition for the operations defined in the WSDL document. A Service Definition builder is added to the model. Fetch WSDL Click to read into the builder the WSDL document that is indicated by the value in the WSDL URL input. Data Service Select an existing service definition. This input is available if the Create Service Definition input is disabled.
Select each operation to be included from the provider model. You can enable caching of service results and set caching refresh intervals.
Table 2. Web Service Multiple Operations builder Operations inputs Input Name Description Enable Caching of Service Results Set to store the returned data from the operation that is selected in the Operation table. Refresh Interval (secs) Enter the maximum number of seconds until the cache is next updated. The default is 3600 seconds (60 minutes). Request The related variables, arguments, and argument types of the data sent by the selected operation. Reply The related variables, arguments, and argument types of the data returned from the selected operation.
Service Information
These are read-only inputs.
Table 3. Web Service Multiple Operations builder Service Information inputs Input Name Description SOAP URL The service URL used to invoke the service. Service Description Service description from the WSDL document.
Table 4. Web Service Multiple Operations builder WS-Security inputs Input Name Description LTPA Binary Token Select to add the LTPA token of an already authenticated user to the SOAP header. Username Token Enable to select a user name and password to be included in a WS-Security username token in the generated SOAP header and the profile version to be used for the token. Username Enter or select the name of the account to be used for security.
This input is available if the Username Token input is enabled.
Password Enter or select the string to be used to authenticate the account. This input is available if the Username Token input is enabled.
UsernameToken Profile Version Specify the URL of the OASIS Web Services profile version. The default is http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0. This input is available if the Username Token input is enabled.
Testing Support
To set the Default Inputs input in this section of the builder, first supply all required builder inputs. Then, enable the Add Testing Support and the Specify Default Inputs inputs and click OK to save the builder. Next, reopen the builder from your model builder call list. The builder then has enough information to populate the names under Operation in the table in the Default Inputs input under Overridden Inputs.
Interface and Stub Models
Table 6. Web Service Multiple Operations builder Interface and Stub Models inputs Input Name Description Interface Model Use this input if you implement a provider service that needs to match the interface of another provider model. Each public service can refer to an interface model that defines the expected operations. If you enter the name of a provider model here, the builder checks whether you implemented the same operations (with the same parameters) that are in the interface model. You see an error for each operation that is not implemented.
Use this input to have multiple, compatible implementations of some service functionality, with different back end implementations.
Stub Model To generate a stub model, enter the name of that model here. Such a model provides a stub or dummy data implementation of your service. The model is self-contained and declares the same service operations and schemas as the original service, but does not require backend access. You can control the use of the stub model with the Service Mapping Registry (XML files in the WEB-INF/config/service_mappings folder). Click Generate Stub to create a stub model.
Note: To generate a stub data model with real data captured from running a service, enable the Test Support input. For operations that require inputs, specify input values in the Specify Default Inputs input.
For more information on stub service models, see the help for the Service Stub builder.
Generate Stub This button is available if you specify a name in the Stub Model input. Creates a stub model implementation of your service with the name in the Stub Model input. The stub service model contains a public service whose operations have the same signatures as the those in your service, but all of which return static data.
Refresh the project to have the name of the model appear in the navigator pane of IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer.
Table 7. Web Service Multiple Operations builder Advanced inputs Input Name Description Service URL (override) You can override the service URL specified in the WSDL document by entering another service URL here. If the WSDL is an interface WSDL with no service URL specified, it can also be supplied here.
For example, if you reference a WSDL in a development environment and expose the service in a deployed environment, the host name, application context, and so on, are probably different. In this case, you can enter the URL that takes into account the host name, port, and application context of the deployed environment, or supply these values by a variable that has the correct values at runtime. For example:
${Java/webAppAccess.getURLMapper().getStaticContentURL ("/servlet/AxisServlet","http")}Service Host name (override) You can override the host name for the service by entering the new host name here. This can be set to localhost if you use the TCP tunnel for debugging. Service Port (override) You can override the port number for the service by entering the port number here. This can be set to your tunnel port if using TCP tunnel for debugging. Timeout (seconds) Enter the number of seconds to wait for a response from the service. Default is 30. Additional SOAP Headers Optionally include additional SOAP headers in the service call that were not specified in the WSDL. Reference an XML variable that contains the value for the header. HTTP Headers Use this input to send additional HTTP headers in the request. In the HTTP header list, enter any HTTP header names and set the header values using the Choose Reference dialog, or enter a text string directly. Logging Select the type of logging, if any, for the builder to perform. Information is written to the application server console and the IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime log file. Use the information to debug problems with the service. You can choose:
- none
- To disable logging.
- inputs and outputs only
- To dump the inputs and the response.
- envelopes only
- To dump the SOAP request and response envelope for a WSDL SOAP service call.
- all
- To dump all the above information.
Username (Basic Auth) If the service requires basic user authentication, enter the user name to use for the request. Password (Basic Auth) If the service requires basic user authentication, enter the password for the specified user. httpProxyHost Enter the host name of the proxy server. Note: This proxy setting and those below allow the setting of a proxy for this specific web service call. As a result, a system-wide JVM -Dhttp.proxyXXX setting does not need to be used. If a system-wide proxy setting is in effect, proxy settings made here in this builder override the system value.
httpProxyPort Enter the port number of the proxy server. httpProxyUser Enter a user name for the proxy server. httpProxyPassword Enter a password associated with the user name given in the httpProxyUser input.
Parent topic: Web Service Multiple Operations builder
- Service Stub builder
The Service Stub builder creates a separate, self-contained model that implements a version of a selected service.
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