Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Web Service Call builder inputs for a model-based local service
This topic describes the inputs for the Web Service Call builder for a model-based (local) service.
Note: There are fewer inputs that a WSDL service requires because at runtime the local service is invoked by a Java call within the JVM, instead of by issuing a SOAP request over the wire.
Table 1. Web Service Call builder inputs for a model-based local service Input Name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Service Call Type Set the radio button to Local to configure a service call to a Local Model/WebApp method based service. Model Use the model chooser to select the model that contains the method exposed as a web service with a Web Service Enable builder call. All models containing a Web Service Enable builder are listed. Click Refresh/fetch WSDL to display the operations exposed as web services in the model.
Operation Select the operation to execute. Argument(s) (named according to WSDL document) The builder call editor displays the argument names for the selected operation as inputs to the Web Service Call. You can use the Choose Reference dialog to specify an appropriate value from a model element or you can enter a text string directly.
Service Information (display only fields)
Reply The name and type of reply returned by the requested SOAP operation. Service Description Service description from the WSDL document. URL The service URL used to invoke the service. Method Description Method description from the WSDL document. Method Namespace Method namespace URI (namespace of target method). SOAP Action SOAP action specified in the WSDL document for this operation Advanced
(optional) Logging Select the type of logging, if any, that you want the builder to perform. Information is written to the application server console and the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime log file. Use the information to debug problems with the service. You can choose:
- None
- To disable logging.
- Inputs and outputs only
- To dump the inputs and the response.
- Envelopes only
- To dump the SOAP request and response envelopes for a WSDL/SOAP service call.
- All
- To dump all the above information.
Dummy/Stub Result Supply a value to be returned instead of actually calling the service. For example, you might enable this functionality for testing purposes during application development so that you can run the model without requiring the other target model to be in place. Parent topic: Web Service Call builder
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