Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
JAR files in a WAR
The creation of a development or deployment WAR with IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory includes a number of JAR files from the associated project.
You may be able to trim down a WAR file by deleting some of these, though this must be done with caution as some of these files are essential for the operation of your project.
The following table lists the JARs that are included in a WebSphere Portlet Factory development WAR that are written to the project's WEB-INF/lib folder.
Table 1. JAR files in a WAR File name Description axis.jar Web Services support bstres.jar WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime English message resources bstres_nl1.jar Runtime Group 1 languages, message resources (not necessary if your project is English only) classparser.jar WebSphere Portlet Factory utility JAR for parsing Java™ source templates, used for generating Java classes commons-beanutils.jar Utility JAR used by WebSphere Portlet Factory for manipulating Java Beans and Java reflection utility methods commons-discovery.jar Utility JAR used by AXIS Web services support commons-fileupload.jar Utility JAR used by File Upload support commons-logging.jar Logging utility JAR used by AXIS Web services support factory.jar WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime jakarta-poi.jar Supports the Excel builders. jakarta-regexp-1_2.jar Regular expression matching support jaxrpc-api.jar Standard Java Web Services RPC API JAR, used by AXIS Web services support jdom.jar JDOM Java XML API jar supported by WebSphere Portlet Factory XML conversion APIs (for example, com.bowstreet.util.XmlUtil ) log4j128.jar LOG4J logging support API JAR used by WebSphere Portlet Factory for logging logging.jar WebSphere Application Server logging configuration portlet_adapter_common.jar Base portlet adapter support portlet_adapter168.jar WebSphere Portlet Factory JSR168 portlet adapter portlet_adapter.jar WebSphere Portlet Factory portlet adapter for legacy portlet WARs saaj-api.jar Java standard SOAP API JAR, used by AXIS Web services support standard.jar Part of the Java Standard Tag Library (JSTL) wsdl4j.jar WSDL parsing/support API JAR xercesImpl.jar Standard Java XML parser xml-apis.jar Standard XML parser The following table lists the JARs written to the project's WEB-INF/clientLibs folder.
In addition, the project WebContent/factory/classes directory contains a JAR (BowTree.jar) for the IBM WebSphere Application Server Portlet Tree applet. This JAR can be deleted if your applications do not use the Tree builder.
File name Description builderui.jar Contains the builder coordinator and UI support classes for the builders in case you want to create your own. j2ee.jar J2EE Interface APIs (not implementation) for compiling generated Java classes against servlet APIs, EJB APIs, and the like portlet.jar Portlet API JAR (interface classes only, not implementation) for compiling Java classes against that reference the JSR 168 Java Standard Portlet APIs Note: Older Eclipse projects may not have a WebContent directory. In these cases, the directory would be factory/classes.
When you add feature sets to a project, associated JARs are added as well. For example, including the Lotus® Collaboration Extension feature set adds domino_builders.jar.
Parent topic: Deployment configurations for widgets
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