Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Variable Input Control builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Variable Input Control builder.
Table 1. Variable Input Control builder inputs Input Name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Page Location Use the Page Location input to specify the page or pages on which this builder call acts. Note: This builder replaces Tag. When this builder uses the on named tag or relative to named tag location technique, it replaces the control tag completely. No further modifications or builders can be applied to this tag. For example, an Attribute Setter builder applied to this tag has no effect.
Input Type This text determines the type of input control placed on the screen. Typically, you enter an indirect reference for this field, obtaining the data from a variable, service result, or even the loop variable from a Repeated Region or Dynamic Table builder. You can enter a static value in this field if you plan to profile the value and change it for different profiles.
Note: This choice must evaluate to one of the following strings: TextArea, TextInput, HiddenInput, Select, RadioBox, or CheckBox.
Default Value Enter the value that the input control should display when it is first rendered for display. You can enter an indirect reference. If the input control is a text type, the value displayed is for the user to edit. If the input control is a list of choices (Select or Radio Box), this value represents the choice that is selected upon initial display.
Extra Data Select an indirect reference, for example, a variable or service input, as a source of content for the input control. This source must provide a comma-delimited list of choices or an XML structure.
(Optional) HTML Name Attribute If you plan to put the control tag for the Variable Input Control builder in a repeated region, enter a name for the input control. In most cases, enter a subnode of the loop variable or something using the count variable to make a unique name for the inputs you generate.
Parent topic: Variable Input Control builder
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