Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Timed Action builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Timed Action builder.
Table 1. Timed Action builder inputs Input name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Page Location Page or pages on which this builder call acts. For Tag, specify the location on the page for the JavaScript™ timer code that kicks off the action. If the action submits a form, this location should be inside that form. Otherwise, any location on the page is sufficient.
Interval Specify the amount of time that should elapse before the action is executed. Units Specify how the Interval input value should be interpreted, in Seconds or Milliseconds. Repeat If checked, the action is executed repeatedly. Otherwise, the action is run once after the page has loaded. Action Type Defines the behavior of the of the action. Choose an action type based on the action that will process the onClick event and if you want to process any form inputs as part of that action.
- Submit form and invoke action
- Choose this option if the specified action is a method in the model or linked Java™ object and that method processes the inputs to the form on which the timer resides.
- Submit form to URL
- Choose this option if the specified action is a URL outside of the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory runtime that will process the inputs to a form. The specified URL receives the form input values as name/value pairs appended to the URL.
- Link to an action
- Choose this option if the specified action is a method in the model or linked Java object (including service calls). This acts as a simple link, transferring control directly to the specified URL. The specified action cannot process any form inputs.
- Link to a URL
- Choose this option if you want to navigate to an external URL. The URL cannot process any form inputs.
- Run a script
- Choose this option of you want to run some client-side JavaScript when the timer expires. The script cannot process any form inputs.
Action Specify the model action or external URL to execute when the timer expires. Arguments
Input mappings You can pass arguments to the specified action by adding argument names and the value to be passed to it. Click and use the Choose Reference dialog to specify input values or values returned by methods or service calls as the value to be passed to an argument for the specified action.
Post-Action Behavior
Post-Action Behavior Select what should happen after the action launched by the timer has completed.
- Default
- In most cases this displays the output generated by the action. One exception to this is when the action is run from inside a container that specifies that the outermost page gets rendered after the action runs. In the exception case, default would not display the output, but refresh the outermost page.
A portal is the typical container in this case. The model container builder and a few other rare cases can indicate this behavior. For almost all customers, this effectively means run the action without displaying its output, then refresh the portal page.
- Refresh specified page location after running action
- The outermost page is not refreshed. Instead, new HTML for the specified region is re-calculated after the action runs, and this HTML is sent to the client where it replaces the existing HTML. If the Default Page Location is checked, then the HTML produced by the action is examined for elements that have ID attribute values. If ID attribute values are found, then the corresponding elements in the page will have their HTML replaced.
Note: If Ajax is disabled, the default post-action behavior is used without loss of functionality. Ajax enablement is controlled through the Global Ajax Enablement builder and profiling rather than changing inputs in a large number of builders.
- Replace specified location with action results
- This is good for tooltips, incremental validation, and other simple information calculated on the server.
Note: If Ajax is disabled, the default post-action behavior is used without loss of functionality. Ajax enablement is controlled through the Global Ajax Enablement builder and profiling rather than changing inputs in a large number of builders.
- Evaluate action results as JavaScript
- Run the main action, and evaluate what it returns as JavaScript.
- Always reload top-most page after running action
- This is very similar to default, but overrides behavior that prevents the top-most page from refreshing. This option would be necessary if portal event and render phases need to be carried out to enable portlet-to-portlet communication to function properly.
- Show action results "stand-alone": display no containing pages
- This option is similar to default, but it ensures that even if the model is running in a portal or model container, the action only returns the results of the specified action, not the containing portal or other surrounding pages. This option is ideal for lower-level Ajax or related functionality such as pop-ups, computed images, or Excel export.
Execute Embedded Scripts This input is available if the Post-Action Behavior input is set to Refresh specified page after running action. Set this input to execute any JavaScript present in the page that is being refreshed. Any script specified either by <script src="name" /> or as text inside a <script> section is executed.
Target The window or frame which displays the results of the action. If you do not set this value, the current window/frame is the target. Valid entries for the target value include the following:
- _self
- Display results in the frame containing the form. If target is not specified, _self is the default.
- _blank
- Display results in a new browser window.
- _parent
- Display results in the frameset above the frame containing the form.
- _top
- Display results the topmost frameset.
You can also specify the name of a frame in the current frameset.
Rendering mode If you know that the specified action returns a specific page, set Rendering Mode to Normal. If you do not know the specific page that gets returned, set Rendering Mode to Return Outermost page after running action. For example, use this setting when creating a builder. Break Containment Enable this check box to replace the contents of the target window with the contents of the URL returned by the action. Parent topic: Timed Action builder
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