Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Objects created by the Siebel Business Component builder

The SiebelDataHelper LJO provides a schema that holds all the field information for the chosen Business Component, and also provides a number of variables that are used by the LJO methods to communicate with the application.

In the following sections, name represents the name given to the builder, which is used as a prefix on the LJOs and variables that the builder adds to the model.


SiebelDataHelper LJO methods


Takes name/value pairs from the name_DetailRow variable and uses them to create a new record.

Fields specified in the name_DetailFieldNames variable are activated when the newly created record is returned in the name_DetailRow variable.


Uses the name/value pairs in the name_DetailRow variable to identify and delete a specific record.


Takes name/value pairs from the name_SummaryRow variable and uses them as search keys to find all matching records.

The fields activated in the records retrieved are those specified in name_SummaryFieldsNames, and the result set is returned in the name_SearchResults variable.


Takes name/value pairs from the name_DetailRow variable and uses them as search keys to find a matching record. The search keys are expected to be specific enough to return only one record.

Fields activated in the records retrieved are those specified in name_DetailFieldsNames, and the result is returned in the name_DetailRow variable.


Utility method to return an "empty" name_DetailRow object that can then be added to. name/value pairs can then be added to that object prior to a call to "getData".


Returns a com.bowstreet.builders.webapp.siebel.SiebelAccess object on which low level calls can be made to return information on Business Objects and Business Components in the Siebel repository. Used by the Siebel Business Component builder. Not generally expected to be used by model developers, but more information is provided below.


When a "getData" call is made the underlying API saves a copy of the result handed back. When "saveData" is called all of the values in that original copy are used to retrieve that original record, then the values in name_DetailRow are applied to it and the record is saved.


SiebelAccess object

It is not generally necessary to use this object, but it allows lower level access to the Siebel API. Remember to call release() to free up resources.

public static void main(String[] args) SiebelAccess sa = null; try Properties p = new Properties(); p.put(SiebelAccess.PropertyNames.CONNECT_STRING,
"siebel://"); p.put(SiebelAccess.PropertyNames.USERNAME, "sadmin"); p.put(SiebelAccess.PropertyNames.PASSWD, "sadmin"); sa = new SiebelAccess(p); System.out.println(sa.getBusinessObjectNames()); System.out.println(sa.getBusinessComponentNames("Account")); BusinessComponent bc = sa.getBusinessComponent("Account Person Admin", "Account
(Delegated Admin)", SiebelAccess.ViewMode.PERSONAL); System.out.println(bc.getMetadata()); sa.release();
catch (Exception e)




Specifies the name/value pairs to be used a getData call and holds the retrieved detail record. The element names are the morphed names that are constructed from the Siebel Component field names and used in the schema. Example:
 <Full__Name>Moor Antonio</Full__Name>


Specifies the fields to be activated in "getData" calls and also holds the mapping between the element names used in the schema and page tags and the actual Siebel field names used in component operations Example:
<field name="Active__Status" siebelFieldName="Active Status" />
<field name="Alias" siebelFieldName="Alias" />
<field name="Created__By__Name" siebelFieldName="Created By Name" />
<field name="Email__Address" siebelFieldName="Email Address" />
<field name="Full__Name" siebelFieldName="Full Name" />
<field name="Home__Phone____p" siebelFieldName="Home Phone #" />
<field name="Personal__Contact" siebelFieldName="Personal Contact" />
<field name="Primary__Account__Name" siebelFieldName="Primary Account Name" />
<field name="Primary__State" siebelFieldName="Primary State" />
<field name="Role" siebelFieldName="Role" />
<field name="Spouse__Name" siebelFieldName="Spouse Name" />
<field name="Start__Date" siebelFieldName="Start Date" />
<field name="Work__Phone____p" siebelFieldName="Work Phone #" />


Specifies the name/value pairs to be used in a "findData" call. Empty elements are disregarded. In the following example records with a Personal Title of "Mr." will be retrieved. Example:


Specifies the fields to be activated in "findData" calls and also holds the mapping between the element names used in the schema and page tags and the actual Siebel field names used in component operations. Example:
<SummaryFields><field name="Email__Address" siebelFieldName="Email Address" /> <field name="Full__Name" siebelFieldName="Full Name" />
<field name="Last__Name" siebelFieldName="Last Name" />
<field name="Personal__Title" siebelFieldName="Personal Title" />
<field name="Work__Phone____p" siebelFieldName="Work Phone #" />


Holds the result of a "findData" call. Example:
<Full__Name>Dennis Abraham</Full__Name>
</SummaryRow> <SummaryRow><Email__Address>heinzw@wvf.com</Email__Address>
<Full__Name>Heinz Weiss</Full__Name>




Resource bundle containing mappings from generated element tag names back to Siebel field names. The bundle name is created from a combination of the model path and file name, builder name, and Business Component name to ensure uniqueness.

Parent topic: Siebel Business Component builder

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