Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Service Documentation builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Service Documentation builder.
Table 1. Service Documentation builder inputs Input Name Description Name Enter a name for this builder call. IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. This entry is used as the local name of service. If this input is blank or if Add All Target Methods is enabled, the target method name will be used.
Model Selection Choose which models will be examined by this builder for services. You can choose:
- All service models
- To view services in all models that publish a public service.
- Service models matching pattern
- To examine all models whose names match a specified regular expression.
- This model
- To generate the report on services published/used by the model in which the Service Documentation builder call is present.
- Specific model
- To list services published/used by a single model other than the model in which this builder is located.
Pattern This input is available when Service models matching pattern is specified as the Model Selection input above. Enter a regular expression pattern used to filter the set of models examined for services.
Example: services/Customer.*
Model This input is available when Specific model is specified as the Model Selection input above. Name of the model to be examined for services.
Report Type Choose documentation to generate about on the public services published by the selected model(s), or the services consumed. You can choose:
- Services implemented
- Report will contain information on the public services created/published by the Service Definition builder in the selected model(s).
- Services used
- Report will detail all data services present in the selected model(s), generally corresponding to services used or consumed.
Generate Main Enable to force builder to create a "main" action that displays the page containing the service report. If you enable this feature, not have another action called "main" in the model.
Note: If this input is disabled, invoke the documentation page at the appropriate time by another method. This page is named: builder_call_nameDocumentationPage
Show Schema Elements Enable to include in the report all of the sub-elements in the schemas used as the types of service parameters. Note: If schemas are large, enabling this feature can make the display difficult to read.
Display Settings
Outer Page HTML Use this input to specify an alternate base HTML page for the outer report display page. Be sure to include the same named elements in this page as are used in the default HTML page located in: factory/pages/ServiceDocumentation/outer.html
Model Page HTML Use this input to specify an alternate base HTML page for the second level display page (one instance per model). Be sure to include the same named elements in this page as are used in the default HTML page located in: factory/pages/ServiceDocumentation/model.html
Service Page HTML Use this input to specify an alternate base HTML page for the third level report display page, used to show service-specific information. Be sure to include the same named elements in this page as are used in the default HTML page located in: factory/pages/ServiceDocumentation/service.html
Operation Page HTML Use this input to specify an alternate base HTML page for the inner report display page, used to show information about each operation. Be sure to include the same named elements in this page as are used in the default HTML page located in: factory/pages/ServiceDocumentation/operation.html
Model Name The default setting for this input specifies the model: factory/portletbase/service_documentation_base This model contains all the builders and profiling required for the model to function and, as a result, this input should not be changed.
In some cases a custom version of this model might be required, leveraging some additional (profiled) functionality. This input allows you to specify an alternate version of the service_documentation_base model
Parent topic: Service Documentation builder
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