Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


SAP BW Data builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the SAP BW Data builder.

Table 1. SAP BW Data builder inputs
Input Name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Request Info

SAP BW URL Enter the URL to the SAP BW SOAP endpoint.

This URL is typically of the form:


Command Enter the Command XML containing the MDX expression.

Timeout Enter a Timeout value in seconds for the SOAP request.

Default = 30s

Log Request/Response Enable this check box if you want to display the service request and response in the application server's console as well as log this information in the Factory's log file.
Properties XMLA Properties definitions.

Note: These can typically be left with their default value.

Dummy Response If you wish to test your model with data captured from an earlier request you can provide that data here.

Instead of issuing an actual SOAP request the builder will return the data you provide here from the SOAP Response.

Basic Auth Userid If the SOAP service requires basic user authentication, enter the user name to use for the request here.
Basic Auth Password If the SOAP service requires basic user authentication, enter the password for the specified user here.

Parent topic: SAP BW Data Access builder

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