Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


SAP View and Form builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the SAP View And Form builder.


General input

Table 1. General input
Input Name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.



Table 2. Connection inputs
Input Name Description
Properties File Enter the name of the properties file to be used to establish SAP host server information.

Example: my_sap.properties

Note: This file must be located in the WEB-INF/config/sap_config directory

Test Connection Button Press this button to test the connection to the SAP host server. If the connection is successful, a connection confirmation dialog is displayed.
Runtime Credentials Select the type of credentials to use to access the SAP system. You can choose:

Use same credentials properties for all users

To use the user name and password credentials specified in the .properties file regardless of which users is running the SAP portlet.

Specify execution credentials

To specify a user name and password that will be used by this builder to access the SAP host server.
Execution User Name This input is available when Specify Execution Credentials is selected as the Runtime Credentials input.

Specify an indirect reference to the location used to store the SAP user name. This location might be a variable or method result.

Execution Password This input is available when Specify Execution Credentials is selected as the Runtime Credentials input.

Specify an indirect reference to the location used to store the password.


Function Selection

Table 3. Function Selection inputs
Input Name Description
Search Pattern Enter a string to be used as search criteria for a function. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard at any location within the search string.

For example, entering DDIF_* returns all functions whose name starts with "DDIF".

Search for Functions Press this button to start a search.

When the search is complete, the SAP Function input contains a list of functions matching the search pattern.

SAP Function Use this select box to choose a function to call.

When you select a function in the list, a description of the function is displayed below the list.

Description A read-only field that displays a brief description of the selected function.
Enable Schema Caching Use this check box to enable the caching of the schema for the specified SAP function. When enabled, the builder's regeneration phase uses a cached version of the function's schema. If a different function is selected a new version of the schema will be cached.

Selecting this option provides two benefits:

Enhanced Performance

This helps during editing models containing this builder.

Enhanced Security

A cached schema avoids exposing model generation time credentials once an initial regen has been performed. To leverage this specify to use separate runtime credentials (see the Runtime Credentials input).

Note: If the schema for the data changes on the SAP server, disable this input, regenerate the model, and enable this input again.


View Page Options

Table 4. View Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Function Result This is the name of a variable that will contain the data displayed on the View page.

Select a variable from the list of function results. Typically, tabular data will be returned under the "Tables" element.

View Page HTML Specify an HTML page to be used for the View page.

This page must have a "data" element. See the factory/pages/sap_view.html page for an example.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML template named sap_view.html to create a generic looking View page.

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the View page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

View Page Type Specify the type of view page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from function schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the function's schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the View Page input above.
Paged Data Display Enable to have the portlet allow paging through the view data. When enabled, paging buttons are added to the table.
Rows per Page Available when paging is enabled. Enter the number of rows to display per page.


Input Page Options

Table 5. Input Page Options inputs
Input Name Description
Create Input Page Enable this check box to cause the builder to create an input page. This page is used to supply imports to the SAP function being called.
Input Page HTML Select an HTML page to be used as the input page.

This page must have certain named elements defined. See the factory/pages/sap_inputform.html page for an example

Alternately, you can use the default HTML template named sap_inputfrom.html to create a generic looking Input page.

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Input page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Input Page Type

Specify the type of Input page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from function schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the function's schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Input page input above.


Row Details Support

Table 6. Row Details Support inputs
Input Name Description
Create Link to Details Enable this check box to create a link from a column in the View page table to a details page.

This will allow a user to "drill down" into the returned function data, or to call another function with inputs from the selected table row.

Note: When a user clicks on a link, all the data from the selected row is put into the SelectedRowData" variable. Other builders can then refer to that variable to access the data.

Details Link Column Select a column in the returned table data that will serve as the link column.
Details Link Text Enter, or select the source of, the text to be used as the link text.
Details Action Type Specify the type of action to be initiated when a link is clicked. You can choose:

Specify an action to call for showing details

To call an action (such as method or page) when a Details Link is clicked. This is used when you want to invoke any action as a response to the link and provides complete control over the behavior of Details processing. For example, you could call the ShowResults method of another SAP View & Form builder, passing values from the selected row as inputs.

Get Details directly from selected row

To create a Details Page and return data directly to it when Details Link is clicked. In this case, details data is taken directly from the selected table row.
Link Action This input is available when an action is specified as the Details Action Type.

Use the picker to select a method or page action to invoke.

Details Page HTML This input is available when a selected row is specified as the Details Action Type.

Select an HTML page to be used as the Details page.

Alternately, you can use the default HTML page named sap_view.html to create a generic looking Details page.

HTML Template File Select an HTML Page Automation template file that will be used to generate the Details page.

Note: When an HTML Template files is in use, a number of inputs that have to do with HTML class name generation will not be displayed.

Details Page Type This input is available when a selected row is specified as the Details Action Type.

Specify the type of Details page that will be created. You can choose:

Create fields from function schema

To have page fields created automatically based on the function's schema.

Use fields from imported HTML

To base page fields on those present in the HTML of the page specified in the Input page input above.


Function Inputs

Table 7. Function Inputs
Input Name Description
Function Inputs If you know the function you are calling accepts optional inputs, you can enter Input Names and Input Values in this table. These Function Inputs can be used instead of getting inputs from the user in an input form.

For example, if you want to supply a constant value to an input you can do it here. Or, if you are using this builder to call a function using data from a row in a table of results, you can use values from the "SelectedRowData" variable as inputs. (See the SAPObjectBrowser model for some examples of this.)

These inputs will be set in Imports before the function is called and the values you define here override previously established values in the Input variable


Label Translation and Sample HTML

Table 8. Label Translation and Sample HTML inputs
Input Name Description
Resource Bundle name Use this input to specify a Java resource bundle to use for all labels for form fields and view columns. This input supports the internationalization of a portlet and provides a way to generate user-friendly labels for function fields.

Use the picker to select the fully-qualified name of the property file or Java class to serve as the Form Resource Bundle.

For example: com.acme.FormResources

Create Sample View Page Press this button to generate a sample HTML View page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.

Create Sample Input Page Press this button to generate a sample HTML Input page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.

Create Sample Details Page Press this button to generate a sample HTML Details page based on the builder inputs you've specified.

Generating sample HTML is a good practice and can serve as a starting point for using custom HTML.



Table 9. Advanced inputs
Input Name Description
Generate Main Enable this check box to allow this builder to automatically generate a "Main" action. This action will kick off portlet operation and cause the display of the portlet page.

Disable this check box if you want to use a custom "Main" action of your own creation.

Use tables as function inputs Enable this check box to allow this builder to use tables as inputs in a function call.
Connection Properties Use this input to override any connection properties established in the connection properties file. You might want to do this if you want to profile a value such as the host server name.

Select a property in the Property Name box and provide an input for that property in the Property Value box.

Parent topic: SAP View & Form builder

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