Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


REST Service Enable builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the REST Service Enable builder.


General inputs

Table 1. General inputs
Input Name Description
Data Service Selector for a data service. The Data Service can be from a back end builder such as SQL Call, from a Service Definition builder, or a Service Consumer builder.
Enable Testing Support Enables test pages and an index page that lists all operations. For operations that have inputs, a page is presented that lets you enter the inputs.


Service Execution Mode

Table 2. Service Execution Mode input
Input Name Description
Service Execution Mode Specify how the service is to be deployed and invoked. Select one of the following options.

Invoke using static URL

For a service to be deployed in a standalone WAR.

Invoke from same Portlet Factory session using dynamic URL

For a service to be deployed in a portlet WAR.

Use the builderNameGenerateRestUrl method to dynamically get the service URL.



Table 3. Advanced input
Input Name Description
Keep Data In Session Enable to keep the service data in session context.

Parent topic: REST Service Enable builder

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