Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Method builder inputs
This topic describes the inputs for the Method builder.
Table 1. Method builder inputs Input name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Arguments
(optional) Arguments Array (Name, Type) Enter a name and data type for each argument you want to create for the method. Body Enter the Java code for the method. You do need to begin your code with an open curly brace "{" and a close curly brace "}". Return Type Enter the return type for the object that the method returns (if any). Possible values include: void, String, IXml, boolean, and so on. Import List
(optional) Imports List Add any import statements for any Java classes that you need to use in your method. For example, java.io.* Overwriting
Rename Existing This input is useful in cases where you want to change the behavior of code that was placed in the WebApp by a high-level builder or by an Imported Model. For example, you might want to do this if you have a Domino View & Form builder in your model, and you want to use a different class for one of the LJOs that builder adds to the WebApp. The Domino View and Form builder does not provide an LJO Class Name input. But, you can place a new LJO builder in the model and give it the same name as that assigned by the Domino View and From builder, thus replacing the existing LJO and specifying new class.
- Enable
- When checked, this input will cause the builder to replace an existing WebApp object with a new object. The builder will locate the existing WebApp object (variable or LJO, for example), rename it, and then create a replacement object.
Note: This input is available on the following low-level builders that create WebApp objects: Action List, Imported Page, Linked Java Object, Linked Model, Method, Method Call, Page, Variable and Schema.
(optional) Target Phase From the following list, specify the generation phase in which to execute:
- Construction (default)
- Post-construction
- Modification
- Validation
- Process
- Externalize
Parent topic: Method builder
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