Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


JMS Message builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the JMS Message builder.

Table 1. JMS Message builder inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Associated JMS Session Builder Name Choose the name of the JMS Session builder call to which to associate the message. The message will get sent to the Topic or Queue specified in the JMS Session builder call.
Message Type Whether the message is text or of type Object.
Message Body Enter text directly for a simple string message or use the reference chooser to specify an indirect reference to a method call or variable that returns/contains the message you want to send. For example, to send the XML returned by a method, you could use an indirect reference similar to the following: ${MethodCall/myMethod}

Message Properties Allows you to specify one or more properties for the message. Enter the name, type, and value for each property you want to associate with the message.
JMSType If your application defines specific message types, you can use this input to declare the message as being of one of those types.
JMSCorrelationID Application specific string to use for associating messages with one another.
Delivery Mode Specify a delivery mode for this particular message. The Delivery Mode for a message overrides the Delivery Mode set in the JMS Session builder call.


Provides for message recovery in the event that the JMS provider fails.


Does not provide for any JMS failover functionality.
Message Priority Specify a priority for this message. This setting overrides the Message Priority value defined in the JMS Session builder call.
Message Expiration Specify an interval (in milliseconds) after which this message expires, where 0 = no expiration.

This setting overrides the Message Expiration value defined in the JMS Session builder call.

Parent topic: JMS Message builder

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