Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Inheriting input definitions from the Base builder definition
This topic describes each of the input types defined in the Base builder definition.
Using the resources contained in this topic is the preferred way to create invoke input types. (If you do not find a type here, see the table for advanced types.) The Base.bdef file is in the WEB-INF/builders/com/bowstreet/core directory and contains the following types.
Table 1. Input types defined in the Base builder definition Input Value Editor Widget Arguments A long String BigString
- linewrap
- Whether lines are clipped or wrapped (default false).
- Data text to display
- isEditable
- Specify if the user can directly type in data (default is true)
- Action event is triggered on focus loss (mouse)
A boolean value BooleanData n/a The name of the builder BuilderName n/a The name of the builder as a required input RequiredBuilderName n/a The name of the builder must fit parameters you define RestrictedBuilderName n/a A button to execute some action from the builder call editor. Button
- Label the text to show on the button
- Event: Action event triggers on a button press (mouse click, return key).
- Default size to that required of text.
An editable combo box that allows the user to select a value from a pre-determined list. ComboBox
- isEditable
- Specify if the user can directly type in data (default is false).
- listData
- Set pick list using data encoded in a comma-delimited string.
- listLabels
- Set pick list displayable labels using names encoded in a comma-delimited string.
- listDataObject
- Set pick list at runtime using a java.util.List object.
- listLabelsObject
- Set pick list displayable labels using a java.util.List object.
- selectItem
- Set selection.
- Action event triggers on a selection change.
A file on the development machine FileChoose
- Action event triggers on selection change.
A file name determined by a variable or method in the WebApp IndirectFileChoose n/a The name of a file to be used as an HTML resource such as an image or HTML page. Only files that reside in the Factory's servable content root directory. ServableContent n/a The name of a servable file determined by a variable or method in the WebApp. IndirectServableContent n/a The name of an item in a pre-determined list or a value from an object (method, page, variable, input) in the WebApp. IndirectComboBox n/a The output of an object in the WebApp. IndirectValue
- Action event triggers on a selection change.
The body of a Method builder call. Not commonly used.
- keywordColor
- Syntax highlighting color for Java key words.
- commentColor
- Syntax highlighting color for code comments.
- stringColor
- Syntax highlighting color for literal strings.
- Change event is triggered on focus loss (mouse).
The name of a model Model
- Filter used when generating list of models to display.
- Action event triggers on selection change.
The name of a model determined by the value of a variable or method in the WebApp. IndirectModel n/a The content of an HTML or JSP page. Not commonly used.
PageData n/a The name of a page in the WebApp. PageName n/a A read-only String value. ReadOnlyStringData
- label
- Text to display for the input label.
- No action is triggered for this widget.
A read-only XML structure. ReadOnlyXMLData n/a A string value chosen from a pre-determined list of options in a select box. Select n/a A string value. StringData
- data
- Text to display as the input value.
- Action event is triggered on focus loss (mouse or tab key or return key).
The name of a variable in the WebApp. VariableName n/a The value of a variable in the WebApp. VariableValue n/a A name/value listing of arguments to a method. Not commonly used.
Arguments n/a A determination that evaluates argument values at generation time or at execution time. Not commonly used.
EarlyArgumentEvaluation n/a A name/value list of argument names and values for a specified action. Not commonly used.
InputMappings n/a Expose element to a linked model. Public n/a Enable/disable a builder call. BuilderCallEnabled n/a Specify a category for the builder call. BuilderCallCategory n/a Add a comment to the builder call. BuilderCallComment n/a Advanced Group n/a Arguments Group n/a Properties Group n/a Parent topic: About creating builder definitions
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