Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Imported Model builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Imported Model builder.


General inputs

Table 1. General inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Model Select the model you want to import.


Profiled Inputs

Table 2. Profiled Inputs
Input name Description
Profile Handling Use this input to determine how any profiled inputs in the model being imported are handled. You can choose:


To allow the incoming (parent) model to use the default values for its profiled builder inputs. The importing (child) model will not inherit the profile sets from the parent. No profiling or input substitution will be performed.

Note: If the parent model is set to Profile 1(not Default), the child model uses those values in the Profile 1 profile set (NOT Default) for its default builder inputs.

Set individual inputs

To analyze the incoming model. New builder inputs are added to this imported model builder call for each profiled input in the incoming model. The values given in this builder call for these new inputs replace the corresponding profiled inputs in the incoming model when this imported model builder call is executed.

Use parent profiling

To force the child model to use the parent model profiling environment to resolve its profiled inputs. In addition, when this value is chosen, the Imported Model builder is itself profiled using the profile sets used in the child model. This causes the parent model to expose for profiling all the profile sets being used by the child model at the time this choice is made.

Note: When Use parent profiling is selected, if the child model subsequently has profile sets added or deleted, this Imported Model builder becomes out of synchronization with profiles. Fix this issue by opening this builder, selecting None for Profile Handling, re-selecting Use parent profiling, and saving the model.


Multiple Instance Support

Table 3. Multiple Instance Support inputs
Input name Description
Pattern to replace Use this input when you need to import the same model multiple times. This input allows you to rename the input names of certain builder calls in the imported model and thus avoid namespace collisions in the parent model.

Enter the builder-call naming pattern used by the incoming model. This pattern is recognized and all incoming model builder call inputs displaying the pattern are renamed.

Note: To use this input effectively, you should have established a builder call naming pattern in the model you are importing. For example, builder calls in the incoming model might be named as follows: forImport_XXX.

Examples of this kind of pattern could include: forImport_orders, forImport_sales, forImport_summary.



Table 4. Advanced inputs
Input name Description
Import Once Enable this input to limit importation to a one-time operation.

When enabled, the builder examines the WebApp to see if the artifacts being imported already exist from a previous import operation. If they do, they are not imported again.

This input is useful to import a common piece of code, but want this code to be imported only once per outer model. This situation might occur when you are creating a builder.

Reset Values from Profiles Click this button to populate the profiled inputs from one of the profiles in the profile sets associated with the imported model. When you click this button, a small dialog appears, allowing you to choose the profile from which you want to set the profiled input values.

Parent topic: Imported Model builder

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