Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
Import to XML builder inputs
This topics describes the inputs for the Import to XML builder.
Table 1. Import to XML builder inputs Input name Description Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list. Use Relative Path Select this option if the file path entered in the File Path field is a relative path. The file path is relative to the WEB-INF directory. File Path Enter a path to the configuration file. The file specified can be a relative or an absolute path, and its value can be loaded at execution time. File Format Select the type of file you want use to create a variable. You can select either XML File to specify the name of an XML file, or choose Name/Value Properties File to specify a Java properties file. Variable Schema Use the chooser to select a schema and element type with which to type the variable created by this Import to XML builder call. The builder will infer type from the schema path to the data element you select with the picker.
Dynamically Update Enable this option to have the file loaded at runtime, when the webapp is loaded by a user. Disable this option to have the file loaded once when the webapp is generated from the model. Parent topic: Import to XML builder
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