Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Highlighter builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Highlighter builder.

Table 1. Highlighter builder inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Field Selector Tool You can determine how you want to select fields to be highlighted in the data page structure by specifying one of the following options:

Select by Name

Select this to display a list of fields in the builder call editor. Each row in the table provides a selector that displays each field name in the structure on which the data page operates as the nodes of a tree. You can specify the nodes to be highlighted by selecting nodes in this tree.

Select by Type

Select this to display a list of field types in the builder call editor. Each row in the table provides a selector that displays a list of field types in the structure on which the data page operates. You can choose a type representing the fields you want.

Using both techniques

Select this to display both tables. You can now specify the fields to be highlighted by both name and by type.
How to Highlight Select one of the following options.

Change element color

The builder sets the row background color to the specified color when the mouse pointer is over that row.

Change element style

A set of CSS styles are applied to the region when the mouse pointer is over that row.

Execute JavaScript

The specified mouseover and mouseout scripts are executed as the pointer enters or exits the row.
Color Only displayed if How to Highlight is set to Change element color. This value is a color (as specified in CSS styles, such as green, lightblue or #f0f080) that is used for the row background when the mouse pointer is over the row.
Styles Displayed only if How to Highlight is set to Change element style. This input is a table: the first column contains CSS style names while the second column contains the corresponding values. When the mouse pointer is over the row, these styles are applied to the row.
"Mouse-Over" Script Displayed only if How to Highlight is set to Execute JavaScript. This JavaScript code is executed when the mouse pointer enters the chosen row.
"Mouse-Out" Script Displayed only if How to Highlight is set to Execute JavaScript. This JavaScript code is executed when the mouse pointer exits the chosen row.

Parent topic: Highlighter builder

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