Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2
This topic presents a glossary of terms.
A Aggregation Aggregation is a composition technique for building a new object from one or more existing objects that support some or all the required interfaces of the new object. AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript™ and XML. AJAX is a group of technologies used to create interactive web pages that respond quickly to requests through the exchange of smaller chunks of data. AJAX uses a combination of existing technologies and protocols including XHTML, CSS, XML, client-side scripting languages such as JavaScript, Document Object Model, and an asynchronous data retrieval mechanism such as XMLHttpRequest. Ant Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes. It is similar to make but is implemented using the Java™ language, requires the Java platform, and is best suited to building Java projects. B
Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs provide a visual path that allows users to see where they are in the interface and to retrace their steps if needed. Builder A builder is a reusable component that generates Java and JSP code based on the context in which it is called. A builder might add a button to a JSP page, link up all of the fields in a form to an XML variable, or help you to create or consume a web service. Think of a builder as a virtual programmer that can dynamically write code. The builder can write different code in different situations based on different profiles. Builder Call A builder call is a particular invocation of a builder. When you add a builder to a model, you are adding a call to that builder (builder call), not the builder itself. A model is made up of an ordered list of builder calls. Builder Call Argument A builder call argument is a value passed to a builder when it is invoked programmatically. In many situations, the arguments are similar to the builder call inputs. Builder Call Editor In WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer, each builder has an associated user interface called a builder call editor. These wizard-like editors help developers create and edit builder calls during the implementation of the model. Builder Call List The builder call list describes the overall generation behavior of a model through an ordered sequence of builder calls. In WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer, a builder call list is opened in the model editor. Builder Call Name The builder call name is the name of the builder call. This is different than the name of the builder being called. For instance, you can have two calls to the same builder in the builder call list, but easily tell them apart because you can give each its own, unique builder call name. See also Builder Name. Builder Definition (Bdef) The builder definition describes both the generation behavior and user interface of a builder. This file is used to create the builder call editor dialog. It contains constraints and default values for the arguments in the builder call being constructed. Builder Input Builder input is the set of parameters that the builder takes as inputs. These builder inputs allow a builder to be configured to produce a specific result or output. For example, the Link builder accepts several inputs, including Link Text and Action. Builder Name A builder name is the name of the entire component. Should not be confused with the builder call name. Builder picker The builder picker is a dialog in WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer that lists the available builders by category or in an alphabetically-ordered list. The primary purpose of the builder picker is to provide developers with a convenient way to select a new builder to add to a model. Launches the builder call editor. Builder picker category The builder picker category is a grouping of available builders within the builder picker according to function. C
Catalog In Lotus® Mashups, the catalog is a common repository for sharing and discovering widgets, feeds, mashups, and pages, with built-in community features like rating, tagging, and commenting. Cheatsheet Cheatsheets are part of the Eclipse Help system. They provide step-by-step instructions for completing developer tasks. Credentials Credentials are personal identification information that allows you to access software, such as a user name and password. Customization Customization is the functionality that allows certain aspects of the portlets and widgets to be modified by the user. D
Deploy In WebSphere Portlet Factory, deploy refers to creating a WAR file for an application and installing the WAR on the target server for execution by end users. Designer The Designer is a WebSphere Portlet Factory development tool which is used to assemble builders into applications and widgets. WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer plugs into Eclipse, and IBM® Rational® Development Environments. Dojo The Dojo Toolkit is a modular open source JavaScript toolkit (or library), designed to ease the rapid development of JavaScript- or Ajax-based applications and web sites. DOM Document Object Model. DOM is an interface within XML that defines mechanisms for accessing data within a document. It enables programs and scripts to manipulate the content, structure and style of a document. Domain A domain is a software archetype upon which an application is based and within which it exists. Typical domains include WebApp, JSP, ASP, and STRUTS. Because of its unique generation capabilities, WebSphere Portlet Factory can produce code and objects for multiple domains. Drawer In IBM Lotus Mashups, in edit mode, a drawer is a category of widgets in the toolbox. As you create mashups, you drag widgets directly onto pages from drawers. You can move widgets from drawer to drawer and change the names of drawers. E
EJB Enterprise Java Bean. EJB is a software component that encapsulates business process and logic. A Web application can interact with an EJB through an optional WebSphere Portlet Factory builder. F
Factory The WebSphere Portlet Factory is a developer kit that provides the ability to create and assemble portlets or widgets into web-based user interfaces. Failover Failover is the ability of a Web application to automatically transfer operation from one WebEngine to another without loss of data or state information. G
Group A group, often referred to as a J2EE group, is a category of users classified by common traits, such as job title or customer profile. Categorizing users into groups makes it easier to control the access of large numbers of users. H
IDE Integrated Development Environment. An IDE is a developer-friendly environment designed to facilitate the creation of complex software components. WebSphere Portlet Factory is a plug-in for Eclipse-based IDEs, including the IBM Rational Application Developer family of products. Inheritance (profile) Profile inheritance allows the values from one profile to be inherited by a child profile, allowing you to easily set up a hierarchy of profiles. J
JAR file Java Archive file. A JAR file is used for aggregating many files into one. It is generally used to distribute Java classes and associated metadata. JDBC Java Database Connectivity. JDBC is an application programming interface specification connecting programs written in Java to databases that support structured query language (SQL). L
Linked Java Object A linked Java object (LJO) is a builder that enables the direct integration of Java classes and their associated methods into a model. Developers can use the Linked Java Object builder to incorporate existing Java code or you can create new Java classes to be used with Linked Java Object builder calls to consolidate commonly used methods into a single, easily reused Java class. Linked Model A linked model provides modularity for an application. Linked models are analogous to classes in Java. They contain methods and state data, and support the distinction between public and private access. From a host or container model, you can directly access any public methods, Linked Java Objects (LJOs), action lists, and pages in a linked model. M
Mashup A mashup is a lightweight Web application that blends together information from two or more existing widgets into an integrated and new experience. In a business environment, a mashup typically combines enterprise and Web-based data from an assembly of widgets into a single, dynamic application to address a specific situation or problem. Widgets do not need to be aware of each other before the mashing occurs. Model In WebSphere Portlet Factory, a model holds the ordered list of builder calls. WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer is used to create models. P
Page In Lotus Mashups, the page is the canvas area on which you view, create, and personalize mashups. In edit mode, you can customize page layouts to achieve a unique look for your mashups. Palette A palette is a set of tools that can be used to construct a web application, portlet, or widget. The builders are presented on a palette. Portlet A portlet is a pluggable user interface component that is managed and displayed in a web portal. Portlets produce fragments of markup code that are aggregated into a portal page. Panel A panel is a discrete section of the view that presents a specific type of information. Profile A profile is a set of parameters that vary the way an application behaves. A profile feeds values into builders based on user identity or other contextual information, such as language. Using profiles, you can automatically generate different variations of an application or portlet (from the same model) for different users, customers, or situations. Profile-Enable Profile Enable is the process of exposing a builder input so it can get its value from an external source, such as a profile. Profile Set A profile set is a collection of profiles. For example, you might have a profile set called Country that contains profiles for several countries in which you do business (France, Spain, Germany, or USA, for example). One profile set can be applied to more than one model. Project A project is the top level of organization of your resources in your IDE. A project contains files and folders. Projects are used for building, version management, sharing, and organizing resources. A project can contain session and persistent properties, settings for environment variables, and references to other projects. Publish Publishing is the act of making a new widget available for use in the web application or web page. In WebSphere Portlet Factory, the Publish action is used to make widgets known to the Lotus Mashups toolbox so that they are available for use. Q
Quick Start The WebSphere Portlet Factory Quick Start Guides provide fast and easy instructions for creating and publishing a widget. R
Regeneration Regeneration is the process of dynamically generating application code from a model. When a model is regenerated, each builder in the model executes in sequence and creates pieces of your application, such as JSP pages or Java methods. During regeneration, profiles can feed different inputs to builders based on the user or situation, automatically creating custom applications. Regeneration is similar to the process of recalculating a spreadsheet, the difference being that WebSphere Portlet Factory regenerates code, rather than a set of numbers.
Result Set The result set is the information returned to a model by a call to a back-end data source, like a service call or database query. Role A role is also typically referred to as a J2EE role or a security role, which is an abstract logical grouping of users that is defined by the person who assembles the J2EE application. When an application is deployed, the administrator will map the roles to security identities in the operational environment. Note: A J2EE group also represents a category of users, but it has a different scope from a role. A J2EE group is designated for the entire J2EE server, whereas a role covers only a specific application in a J2EE server.
Service Call Service calls, which are associated with web-service requests, involve making a SOAP request at runtime in accordance with an operation defined in a WSDL document. The Web Service Call builder parses a WSDL document and presents operations to the builder user interface (UI) based on it. At runtime, it prompts for the variables or method calls that will fulfill the required inputs.
The Profiled Service Call builder can parse a WSDL during web application regeneration at runtime, rather than design time.
Singleton The singleton pattern is a design pattern that is used to restrict instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. Sometimes it is generalized to systems that operate more efficiently when only one or a few objects exist. SOAP SOAP is a W3C Recommendation as a protocol for exchanging structured information and provides an extensible message construct that can be exchanged over a variety of underlying protocols. For example, a SOAP message is a XML document that can be sent over HTTP, put on a message queue, or passed in a Java call. A SOAP message takes the form of a SOAP envelope which contains headers and a body. The body typically contains the application data content, either as a single XML element (looking like a single document), or multiple XML elements (looking more like parameters analogous to the RPC world). See http://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part0/.
SOAP with Attachments is another specification that describes how to add extra non-text attachments into a SOAP envelope.
Toolbox A toolbox is a set of software functions that you can use to accomplish a task. In Lotus Mashups, the toolbox provides an organized view of all the published widgets. Tutorial A tutorial provides step-by-step information on how to complete a specific task. Twisty (sometimes twistie) A twisty is an arrow that points right until it is clicked, and then it points down. A twisty is usually used to expand and collapse a list of choices. V
Variable Builder A Variable builder produces for the web application a component analogous to a programming variable. Within the Variable builder, you can declare the type of variable, based on the variable content. For example, you might declare a variable type as string, XML data, generic object, or even schema typed by reference to an element or type defined in a schema in the web application. That variable (or a subelement of it, if it is schema-typed) can be referenced in other builders that assign values to it or take values from it at runtime. Many higher-level builders such as Service Call and SQL Call builders create variables automatically, declared with the content type (usually schema-typed) to match the content type expected at runtime.
Views (model) The views in WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer enable developers to visualize a model in a number of different ways. W
WAR file Web Application Archive file. A WAR file is a JAR file used to distribute a collection of JavaServer Pages, servlets, Java classes, XML files, tag libraries and static Web pages (HTML and related files) that together constitute a Web application. In WebSphere Portlet Factory, the WAR also contains models, any applicable profile sets, and the runtime support JAR files. WAS CE IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (CE). WebSphere Application Server CE software is provided free with WebSphere Portlet Factory and can be used as a local development server for testing portlets in a stand alone environment or widgets. WebApp The WebApp is a profile-specific instance of an application that is dynamically created by WebSphere Portlet Factory regeneration engine. Each builder, when called during regeneration, creates the artifacts that make up this WebApp or run-time application, such as pages, forms, variables, Java objects, and methods. The regeneration engine creates the WebApp by regenerating a model with a unique instance of profile data. The generated WebApp code is then processed by WebSphere Portlet Factory execution engine to instantiate the executable J2EE application sessions. WebApp Instance The WebApp instance is the execution time object generated when a user accesses a WebApp. Once a WebApp has been regenerated and accessed by the user, a web application instance is created. It maintains its state for as long as is needed by the web application. Web Application Project A web application project is a collection of models that work together. WebSphere Application Server WebSphere Application Server is designed to set up, operate, and integrate e-business applications across multiple computing platforms using Web technologies. It includes both the run-time components and the tools to develop applications that will run on WebSphere Application Server. Web Service A web service is something that can be invoked across the web to return a result. For example, an HTTP request that results in HTML or XML being returned is a web service. Recently, the term web services has taken on larger connotations. It implies a service described by a WSDL document, invoked by a SOAP message over some transport, usually HTTP, which results in a SOAP response containing the reply. The SOAP messages are XML and are underpinned by an XML Schema. Widget A widget is a small, portable application or piece of dynamic content that can easily be placed into a Web page or an embedded browser within a rich client such as Lotus Notes®. Widget Adapter A widget adapter is a required component of a widget created by WebSphere Portlet Factory. It specifies the name of the widget and the drawer in Lotus Mashups where it is made available. Wiring In Lotus Mashups, wiring enables widgets to communicate with one another. Wizard A wizard is a software tool that guides the user through the steps necessary to accomplish a task. Workspace In WebSphere Portlet Factory, the workspace is the directory where your project and model files are stored. WSDL Web Services Description Language. WSDL is an XML-based language that provides a model for describing web services. X
XML XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language much like HTML. XML was designed to describe data. XML was derived from SGML (ISO 8879) using start and end tags to surround element names and associated text, designed as a simple machine and human-readable syntax for the interchange of data. See http://www.w3.org/XML/Activity.html. An XML document is generally associated with an XML Schema that provides specific declarations of the allowed element and attribute names in that document and their content.
XML Namespace XML namespaces provide the means to qualify element and attribute names used in XML documents. Typically an XML Schema defines the elements and attributes that might be used in an XML document in terms of a targetNamespace, which is a unique URI. This allows a schema to import and reference elements from other schemas, with namespace prefixes being specified on elements to avoid any ambiguity about whether they are, for example, a PO from schema 1 or a PO from schema 2. Similarly elements or attributes in XML documents can define the namespace that they conform to with an XML namespace declaration. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names11/.
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