Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


File Chooser builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the File Chooser builder.


General Inputs

Table 1. General Inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Page Location Page or pages on which this builder call acts.

Alternatively, you can type in the page location syntax directly.

Starting Directory This directory defaults to WEB-INF/models. Specify a fully qualified server path. If the path is relative, the path to the IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory servable content root directory gets prepended to the value. The WebSphere Portlet Factory servable content root is the directory on the application server to which you installed the WebSphere Portlet Factory.

Use a forward slash (/) to signify the WebSphere Portlet Factory servable content root directory in any values you specify for this input. For example, to specify the WebSphere Portlet Factory servable root directory as the File Chooser starting directory, enter / as the Starting Directory input.

Filter Class Defaults to the following value.
This class enables files ending with .model and directories to be displayed. The com.bowstreet.webapp.methods.FileChooserMethods$FilterDirectories class enables only directories to be displayed. You can provide additional filter classes to filter any file type.
Selected Value The name of the file or directory that is to be initially selected. The selected value is now relative to the starting directory, and the builder only displays files under the starting directory. For example:


where WEB-INF/models is specified as the starting directory.

You can type a value or an indirect reference to a value. For example: ${Variables/selectedValue}

Depth Defaults to 99. The maximum number of directory levels to be displayed.

You can type a value or an indirect reference to a value, for example: ${Variables/depthValue}

Refresh Interval (seconds) Defaults to 3600 seconds. It is the amount of time that should elapse before recalculating the directory list.
Visible Root Node Select this option to show the root node.

For example, assume you have WEB-INF/models as the starting directory. If you select this option, the models directory appears in the tree.

Selection Rule Select one of the following options for selection rules:

All nodes can be selected

Enables a user to select any item in the tree.

Only leaf nodes can be selected

Disables the ability to select directories. You might want to select this option if the Web page requires that a file be selected and not a directory.

No Selection – Tree does not return a value

Disables the ability to select any items in the tree. Such a tree is often used for display purpose to indicated hierarchical relationships among items.


Look & Feel

Table 2. Look & Feel inputs
Input name Description
Node Indent (pixels) Defaults to 40 pixels. It determines how many pixels the node is indented.

You can type a value or an indirect reference to a value, for example: ${Variables/nodeindentValue}

Closed Node Icon Defaults to factory/images/tree/closenode.gif. The image that appears when the node is not expanded.

You can type a path to the image file or an indirect reference to the path. For example: ${Variables/closednodeIcon}

Open Node Icon Defaults to factory/images/tree/opennode.gif. The image that appears when the node is expanded.

You can type a path to the image file or an indirect reference to the path. For example: ${Variables/opennodeIcon}

Leaf Node Icon Defaults to factory/images/tree/nodeleaf.gif. The image that appears next to file names in the directory.

You can type a path to the image file or an indirect reference to the path, for example: ${Variables/leafnodeIcon}

Selected Icon Defaults to factory/images/tree/rightarrow.gif. The image that appears when the icon is selected.

You can type a path to the image file or an indirect reference to the path. For example: ${Variables/selectedIcon}

Tree Width (pixels) Defaults to 400 pixels. It determines the width of the tree.

You can type a value or an indirect reference to a value. For example: ${Variables/treewidthValue}

Tree Height (pixels) Defaults to 400 pixels. It determines the height of the tree.

You can type a value or an indirect reference to a value. For example: ${Variables/treeheightValue}

Alternate Text Enter a descriptive string for the HTML alt attribute. Use this to make the end user aware of the elements purpose.
UI Type Controls the manner in which the tree is rendered.

Choose automatically

Lets the builder decide at run time between the applet and the select list.


Use an applet to display the tree. This may not work in all browsers.

Select list

Use a Tree builder to display a list from which the user selects a file.

Parent topic: File Chooser builder

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