Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Excel Import builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Excel Import builder.

Table 1. Excel Import builder inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
File to Import Use the picker to locate an Excel Workbook file that has been added to the project. The file must be in the .XLS format and have been created by Microsoft Excel 97 through 2003.

Note: Workbooks that contain rich text cells (those that have multiple fonts and styles) are not supported. Any attempt to import a workbook that has rich text cells will throw a runtime exception.

Generate Schema You can select the creation of schema in a variety of ways. You can choose:

On Designer Regen

To create the schema every time the model is regenerated within IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer.

On Every Regen

To create the schema every time the model is generated within WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer and IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Only When Builder Changes Are Detected

To create the schema and preserve it (unchanged) on subsequent model generations. If a subsequent change is made to any of this builder input, a new schema will be generated.
Content Selection Method You can select the Workbook content to import in a variety of ways. You can choose:

Automatic (let builder find content)

To let the builder determine the content to import. The builder will select all of the cells in the smallest rectangular range that includes all of the defined content from the chosen sheet.

Note: This content may include cells that contain formatting but otherwise are blank.

Bounded (specify a range of cells)

Requires you to manually enter the range of cells that contains the content you want to import. The range is given by the Upper Left Cell and Lower Right Cell inputs. For example: A1-H99.

By Range (use a named range from the workbook)

To import the content of a named range of spreadsheet cells. If no named ranges are defined for the workbook, this input cannot be used to select Excel content.
Sheet Use this input to select the workbook sheet that contains the content you want to import. All of the sheets defined in the workbook are available for selection.

Example: Sheet 2

Range Available when By Range is the Content Selection Method above.

Select the named Workbook range that represents the data you want to import.

Upper Left Cell Available when Bounded is the Content Selection Method above.

Enter the coordinates of the cell that represents the upper left boundary of the rectangular cell range you wish to import. This input can be left blank to have the builder automatically find the upper left cell.

Example: B15

Lower Right Cell Available when Bounded is the Content Selection Method above.

Enter the coordinates of the cell that represents the lower right boundary of the rectangular cell range you wish to import. This input can be left blank to have the builder automatically find the lower right cell.

Example: G35

Has Header Row This input allows the builder to accommodate a content header row.

Enable to make the builder use the first row in the selected cell range as the header row. Such a row might contain column labels or other text notation that identifies the data in the columns.

The header row is used to generate the XML schema element names that describe the data that is imported from the workbook.

Preserve Empty Rows This input allows the builder to preserve empty rows when the Excel content is imported into a model as XML.

By default this builder strips empty rows to provide a compact XML representation of the imported Excel content

Enable this input if you want to preserve empty Excel rows for custom formatting of the Excel content.

Note: Imported Excel content with empty rows will appear differently on a page depending upon the HTML formatting applied to the page location where the content is displayed. In some cases empty rows might have a negligible height and be difficult to see.

Preserve Cell Formatting Enabling this checkbox will cause the builder to keep the cell formatting when content is fetched from Excel.

Example: In Excel, when you apply formats such as "Currency", a cell value such as "12" will appear as "$12". The "Preserve Cell Formatting" input allows you to decide whether to display the cell value "12" as simply "12" or "$12" in the imported XML.

Note: This input has no effect on cell color, font, or formula settings.

Parent topic: Excel Import builder

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